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Right In Florida

Motto: This is what happens when Insanity and Banality come together.

Location: North Central Florida, United States

I'm an aging boomer, white male (cue scary music); not religious, mostly conservative. Married to the same woman forever. No kids-by choice (I believe in personal choice in most areas of life). Voted mostly Republican until November 2000 when the national Democrats tried to steal the election in Florida. I promised to never again vote for another Democrat; kept that promise to date.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Okay, Now a Larger Group of Muslims Against Terrorism

From the above Tim Blair post, Canada has a group of 120 Muslim leaders who are against terrorism as per their reported statement: "Terrorism has been increasing and it is our religious duty to confront this evil," Ahmad Kutty, a Toronto imam, told reporters. "We must do so unitedly – as imams and religious leaders," he said. "We must send out this one voice across to all Muslims that there is no justification whatsoever for targeting innocent people."

Sounds good. Let's hear from some more Muslims united against terrorism committed by co-religionists. And at least this referenced CBC news article didn't include these leaders whining about people looking at them. And didn't blame the Jews for being the root cause. But of course it's only a small article. Maybe I'll find out more.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Okay, One (Very) Small Local Florida Muslim Group is Against Terrorism

The Ocala Star-Banner (a NY Times paper, so you know where it comes from) has the above linked article (Area Muslims cling to faith, rebuke terror) on a small Ocala/Marion County Florida group of Muslims who are against terrorism because it's against Islam. A small group, and not a national organization, but Hell I'll extend a hearty acknowledgement of any Muslim group who comes out against terrorists. Of course, since they're in an area of the country that no one cares much about, I'm pretty sure they will be safe from retribution from their co-religionists who disagree with them.

The paper states:
The recent bombings have been points for Zafer and Lesa Sabawi, members of the Islamic Center of Ocala, to reinforce to their six children the teachings of Islam and that violence is not the way."We, like everyone else, are horrified," Zafer said. "Nothing can justify this."


Zafer's wife, Lesa, is angered that the violence is attributed to Islam."When we see negative things on television we reiterate the religion is of loving, of God and reassure them of this," she said. "But there is a certain amount of uncertainty with them and us as adults, too."

But then they start to whine.

Lesa said going into an unfamiliar sandwich shop dressed in traditional Muslim attire recently caused her to pause for a moment, wondering whether customers or the staff would fear her or treat her differently."There are certain areas where I feel uncomfortable or experience an unwelcome attitude, often not so much face to face, but it's there," she said. "My daughter and I went into a local restaurant for lunch a few weeks ago . . . a buffet where they clear the tables for you, and the staff ignored us. I did not feel like fighting that day to say anything about it, but had to explain to my daughter that some people will be that way."

Lady, get a grip. First of all, what is "traditional Muslim attire" anyway. The Saudis, Palestinians, Indonesians and Albanians are Muslims too, but they all dress differently. They dress based upon where they live. Gee, maybe because you live here, but dress like a foreigner, that's why people look at you a little longer. I promise you if I wore the "traditional garb" of my Cherokee ancestors that I would get looks that might make me uncomfortable. AND I've been to similar buffets, maybe even that one that caused you such mental anguish. I've been ignored many times, but that's because they have poor management and nitwits as service staff. When that happens, I don't take it personally. I either clear the table myself or tell the wait staff to do their job. If I get really pissed at the incompetence, then I get out of there.

But get a load of the following statement: "The Quran teaches love for everyone, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. It does not teach violence."

I'm sure they believe it because they seem like very good and religious people. But I respectfully disagree. I'm sure I read that their holy book teaches it is a Muslim's responsibility to kill Jews (for example) wherever you may find one. A tad too Old Testament for me. Maybe there has been a Muslim "reformation" that I haven't heard about.

President Bush's Continued Victories

The "centrist" Washington Post (well, only in relation to the NY Times) give President Bush and the GOP 'props' for continued legislative victories on "...guns, roads and energy." Of course, they do much of it in a backhand complimentary way. But it points out that W continues ahead on his agenda, and the GOP follows along.

Only downside I can see is the highway bill, which W promised to veto. Apparently enough changes were made to make it acceptable. I'll need to look at it further, but it's less fiscally irresponsible than it would have without his threatened veto.

Miami - Miami Herald - Fired Reporter

This Florida connection has gotten some MSM news play. Jim DeFede was fired by the Miami Herald because he taped a phone conversation with a Miami politician who killed himself. DeFede was a friend of the suicide and was so "thoughtful" to write about it, using notes from the (supposedly illegal) tape recorded conversation.

I really want to care, because it's another case of the MSM having different standards from the rest of us. If someone else had illegally tape recorded this, they would have gladly published everything, because the people's right to know trumps everything. In fact, if what they publish gets someone killed, such as a CIA agent, well that's how the Constitution crumbles. But when it looks like their employee committed a crime, for which they might share some legal responsibility, weeeelll, now that's verrrrry different.

I lived in Ft. Lauderdale/Miami area for so many years that at first I didn't think anything about this. The Miami Herald has long been a liberal fish (or conch) wrapper, that I expect it to have no concrete values...news-wise or otherwise.

(Above link is from Florida Cracker who also has much more commentary on her site)

Friday, July 29, 2005

A Shame When a Man Can't Speak the Truth

From the link to Michelle Malkin's blog: "Conservative radio talk show host and NRO contributor Michael Graham has been suspended from WMAL-AM without pay in Washington, D.C., for bluntly challenging Islam last week on air and this week in a column."

A man paid to give his opinion to people who voluntarily read or listen him is taken off the air for giving an opinion. He said something insensitive, of course. Maybe something against Christian right wing racist homophobes taking over the government? Maybe something about the Jews being behind 9/11? Nah, can't fool you. You're right...it was negative commentary about...wait for it...Muslims.

Apparently the radio station couldn't take the heat from CAIR. I admit Graham may have been over the top, but not way over. I've posted before about when the hell are "mainstream" Muslim groups going to take on the Islamists and take back their religion. Well, we know CAIR isn't going to do it. That group apologizes for terrorists, no condemns. Well, another victory for the followers of the "religion of peace."

(Okay, Now I'll go back to work.)

Update: Good News
According to antimedia's post, Graham may get reinstated. Seems lots of pissed off people contacted WMAL to express their displeasure. Now that's America!

Hmmm, Where to Start?

Let's do something Florida related. What about the Space Shuttle? Did you see it take off? It was such a great Florida day and, God, it did look so beautiful! Yet even today I think about the Challenger, which I was watching on television when it was destroyed. I thought that tragedy couldn't be equaled...then came the Columbia horror. So, then? So after 2 years of preparation, re-think, planning, etc., what happens? The damn foam still breaks off and is still a danger to future missions. What the hell?!

Well, how about something mundane? I've spent the last several days working on a project that must be completed this weekend. So here I am at home working on it (revision #12...I think), but I felt the need to blog something. This project kept Mrs. Right and I from having a special anniversary...what? Who am I kidding? We've been married so long that she knows I don't do special very well. And this is hardly the first time work has taken precedence over our life. She's gotten very used to it. Frankly, if I did think of something, she would be very suspicious. Here's a hint, guys. Never change your patterns and habits. It could look like you're covering up something. Heck, if she's stayed with you for more than a year, she's probably a very accepting person anyway. (Okay, now I'm rambling.)

I'm listening to the radio right now. Classic rock and "oldies" of course. I came up in the '60s and believed in sex, drugs and rock n' roll . And I heard a lot of good music. But around the '90s I grew tired of the crap you had to listen to in order to find something worthwhile (and of course I blame it on Bill Clinton). Yeah, I know I'm an old fart. Even though now my drugs are prescription for high blood pressure (and I'm not going to get into the 'sex'), I still know good music. It's a shame however that most of the really innovative music was in the 60s and 70s (and I'll even count disco, but only 1974/75, when it was mostly soul/funk-still good rhythm, but with lousy lyrics). Hell, I like lots of the 80s metal and folk but crashed on 90s urban/rap. Liked much of the Seattle grunge, until the groups began to act as if it was important or innovative. No, just variations on themes from previous decades. Maybe that's all there is? I hope not.

That's enough...back to work.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Today is my Wedding Anniversary

Yep, been married for 31 years...to the same woman! People often say that time flies when you're enjoying yourself. Well that's true with me and my marriage. I love my wife even more each year and the years have sped by. My only cause for suspicion concerning her is why did she marry me in the first place? There's something sinister in this, I'm sure, and I'll stay with her for as many years as it takes to get to the bottom of it.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

Update: Got a very nice congratulatory comment from antimedia . Thanks so much!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Followup to my previous post on the Billys (Graham and Clinton)

In the above linked post I created on July 1st, I had some snarky things to say about Billy Graham, in relationship to his then comments on BJ and the Hill Clinton. Now, I was mostly taking a slap at the evangelist, but I got a reader comment that only concentrated on that part of BJ Billy Clinton. Well, I thought about going further with it, but frankly forgot. Something in the news just reminded me, so I'll re-visit it. Now I'm not going to re-write the post. But I do want to include here the reader's comment and my response. But first, my opening sentence was: "So Billy Graham thinks Bill Clinton should be an evangelist, while Hillary takes care of the country?"

Reader Jami wrote: "if i understand you correctly to be a christian, you're not supposed to hate anyone, especially not people like the clintons, who spend 99% of their time working really hard to help other people. that's a lot of what draws in the ladies. if you're a little jealous, you should try to be more like "bj billy," not less."

Now, I ask you, how can you respond to this? First, anyone who loves the Clintons that much would not care to listen to anything further I would say. Second, maybe I've been unclear that I'm not a Christian. Maybe, even though I've put in the above "About Me" section that I'm not religious, I didn't say I'm not a Christian. So maybe that can be misinterpreted, but I didn't say I wasn't a Muslim, Jew or Hindu either. Anyway, I replied to her as follows: "Well, thanks for your comments. As I think I've made clear, I'm not a Christian. So I guess that allows me to hate anyone I choose, eh?Elsewhere in my blog I think I am frank in stating that I've been a piece of crap in my life. Maybe even as of today. That's why I know BJ is a slime ball who is only in it for himself. We're simpatico. But you could have a point about me being jealous. Hmm, I think I'll cheat on my wife, have sex with a subordinate and make sure I pull in my friends and family into the hell I created. Then I guess I'll have more of your respect, especially if I then say that I'll take someone else's money and give to the poor and downtrodden. And don't forget that BJ (and Hill) are avowed Christians and that BJ had just been to Easter services just before he availed himself of Monica's services. This should mean something even to a Clinton apologist. But maybe I misunderstand you. Remember, I'm speaking as a Clinton hater."

Billy Graham has done great things in his past, but he has also done and said some incredibly stupid and wrong things as well. And when it comes to the Clintons, he is both stupid and wrong. I say that as someone who used to go to a Baptist church (you can't get any more "Christian" or "evangelical" than that, just ask a fellow Baptist) and have quite a good background in true Christian values. Because I have a number of failings and I am no member of any church and I am not religious in the conventional sense, I would never call myself a Christian. But because of my shortcomings in the religious arena, I do have great respect for those who are true Christians. (See my previous posts on Christians and the liberals who hate them.)

And I must confess that I lied to Jami: I am not a Clinton hater...I'm more of a Bill Clinton despiser. And even that would be too strong, if only the bastard would leave the scene. But, no, he's ever present and can always be counted on the bash his country and his (so many) betters, so my feelings continue to run deep.

I'm a techno-incompetent when it comes to blogging

Just cruised Media Lies site again and Antimedia's first current post concerns his above "Media Lies Link Policy." I particularly liked:

If you like my blog and you regularly read what I write, then all I can say is thank you very much. If you don't like what I write or some of the links in my blogroll, then thank you for reading, but don't expect me to change. In the end (and I mean this in the nicest way possible) I write for me, I blogroll for me, I read other blogs for me. I'm not in this for fame or fortune (nor do I care about those things), and I'm certainly not in it to make anyone feel good. The truth is, if I didn't write, I would explode.

I agree with the above and also what he says about linking, but it points out my own technological failings. I like Blogger because it fits the limited blogging I originally intended and, hey, it's free. And I chose the template that didn't have a blogroll already included. And I know that I can insert the code myself. It's just that I've had problems following the Blogger instructions for creating a blogroll. Now I'm not stupid, mind you, and the instructions are not difficult (and are in English) so I'm not quite sure what my problem is, other than techno-incompetence. I must try again, because there are a few bloggers I really like to read, even when I don't agree with everything written. I just appreciate good writing and clear statements of conviction. Would that more of us could do that well, and I would like to identify some of those who do. (By the way, I know I'm also unsophisticated in the way I link to work of others, but I'm trying.)

Just noticed that I'm listed on Media Lies blogroll. Thanks, antimedia!

Another Update (7/31/05)
Thanks to antimedia's help, I've created a blogroll. It'll be a work in progress for some time, since I'm not lying about being incompetent in some things. I also found the courage to play with links. Again, thanks antimedia!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Good On Ya' John (Howard)...and you too Tony (Blair)

Thanks to Michelle Malkin, I read this post (The press are lost and uncomprehending) by The Anchoress which showed the measure of John Howard of Australia and Tony Blair of Britain. It also shows how (most of) the press everywhere are asses.

A VOICE FROM THE PRESS:Mr. Blair, aren’t these attacks your fault, because of your foreign policy?

John Howard: No self-respecting government of any political stripe would allow that (letting terrorists dictate policies) to happen…May I remind you that the murder of 88 Australians in Bali occurred before operations in Iraq?…May I remind you that Sept. 11 happened before Iraq? May I remind you that the first time Al Qaeda referred specifically to Australia was in regard to the liberation of East Timor. Are people suggesting we shouldn’t have done that?…This is about hatred of a way of life. This is about a perverted use of one of the world’s great religions.”

Blair: “I agree 100 percent with that… The roots of this are deep. Terrorist attacks go back more than 10 years…What they want us to do it to turn around and say oh, it’s our fault.. The people who are responsible for terrorist attacks are the terrorists…In the end the values that we represent are the values that will triumph.”


Antimedia (http://www.antimedia.us/posts/1121992892.shtml) agrees and comments on his must read site that: "The world didn't have leaders like this before WWII. If it had, perhaps fewer people would have died." He also has comments on the the proper role of the press.

Another Day...And the Dems Are Sputtering

It was a pleasure to listen to the Dems trying to look sane while addressing President Bush's choice for Supreme Court justice. Even Chuckie Schumer (almost) pulled it off. However, there was always Teddy the K the put things in the proper nutty perspective. The more the Dems try to seem competent and worthy of respect, the more their real selves show through. Good going, Mr. President!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Way to Pick a Supreme Court Justice, Mr. President

Our President just did something very brave (and unusual for anyone else)...he kept his word. He promised to nominate for Justices persons in the mold of Scalia and Thomas. Well, he just did. And he surprised everyone and nominated a white male, John Roberts. Amazing. He actually picked someone he felt was best, and didn't go the "easy" way by nominating a woman or minority. He can do that later. It will be interesting to see the libs squeal on this. Way to go, Mr. Bush! And thank you for being a man of your word...again.

Tom Tancredo - Realist

Thanks to Michelle Malkin for giving a comprehensive look at Congressman Tom Tancredo's comments that mentioned nuking Mecca under certain circumstances. I understand her discomfort with this issue (and I usually agree with her), but I have to come down on the side of Tancredo.

Frankly it's obvious he was responding to a hypothetical with a hypothetical. And he is right! Sure, some of the Islamist scum would not be deterred by such a promised retaliation, but someone who's financing these scum (perhaps living in the land of Mecca) might find it cause for concern. Let me be clear: if we suffer a nuclear attack-here or in other lands-by the followers of the "Religion of Peace," then I'm in favor of turning sand to glass. In Mecca, around Mecca and in other areas containing the peaceful religion's major sacred sites. Only exception would be the big one in Israel.

Yes, I know it sounds bloodthirsty, but I have to believe many of the people taking shots at Tancredo right now would and will feel the same way if a nuclear attack occurred here.

And let's get real...we know it is a very real possibility, perhaps bordering on probability, that a nuclear terror attack will happen. Deep down, we know that there are terrorists and terrorist sympathizers (same thing) right here in the US of A. And we know that they are Muslims (okay, okay, "Islamists") and they are blinded by hate and one hell of an inferiority complex.

And thanks to Michelle for her link to Baldilocks post at http://baldilocks.typepad.com/baldilocks/2005/07/get_it_right.html.

I just heard that Tom Tancredo is not apologizing. Way to go, Congressman! Don't let the bastards get you down.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Where Was This Teacher When I Was 14?

An update about a sexual predator/Florida teacher. Debra Lafave, the 24 year old Greco Middle School teacher from the Tampa area, had sex a number of times with a 14 year old "boy" who ratted her out. A few times this occurred in the back seat of a car while another "boy" drove the pair around. I tell you, times were certainly different from when I was 14. We would have been grateful for such a female teacher, but none of mine looked as good as Teacher Debbie.

Yeah, I know it's wrong, but for goodness sakes, every straight guy I ever knew would understand and be jealous.

What's with kids of today?

Anyway, Teacher Debbie has rejected any plea bargain and is going to take her chances with a jury. Seems she's going to plead insanity.

Cheers to Teddy Kennedy...On His Special Day

Florida Cracker (A Southern woman on the 'Net) has a great salute to Teddy "The Swimmer" Kennedy on her above site.

Today is the 36th anniversary of the day Senator Ted Kennedy heroically saved himself from drowning. Suggestions for celebrating this day include:
*Wearing a neckbrace.

*Crying to your mom.
*Hiding under the bed.
*Calling in the lawyers.
Feel free to add others as the spirit moves you.

Her readers have a few more in the same vein.

Another Member of the MSM Can't/Won't Think Logically...or apparently Read Either

Captain Ed, from Captain's Quarters, shows that David Broder either can't read or has an incredible problem with logical thought.

"Unfortunately, the Plame investigation has uncovered a genuine national scandal -- the inability of the national news media to read a government report. David Broder provides another example in yesterday's Washington Post, where he continues to misrepresent the facts surrounding naming of Valerie Plame in a 2003 Robert Novak column."

Of itself, that's not too remarkable. Broder is an obvious Democrat and Democrat apologist, so it's not a given that he's real bright. But it's obvious that he's not stupid either. So that makes him a candidate for remedial reading or an advanced logic course. Frankly, I think it's deliberate. He's writing for the slow-witted Democrat base, who will not question his assertions. And he's protected by his fellow travelers in the MSM. So keep telling the big lie, Dave, just make sure it's in the Wash Post so I'll readily know it's a lie.

Everything You Need to Know About the Rove/Plame/Wilson "Scandal"

Thanks to Andrew McCarthy writing in National Review Online (above link), we have in one place everything we need to know about this issue. Of course, the only "scandal" is how much the MSM lies when it tries to bring down an honest administration. Pay close attention the the amicus brief filed by several news organizations that acknowledge that there was no crime.

It's Ted Kennedy's Anniversary

Yes, it's Ted "The Swimmer" Kennedy's anniversary...of the date he was involved in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. I hope this haunts this moral and physical coward until his death, and then have it engraved on his head stone.

According the the above link, in this date in history:

1968: US Senator Edward Kennedy's car drove off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts killing his 28-year-old companion Mary Jo Kopechne. Kennedy fled the scene of the accident and received a suspended sentence of two months and one year's probation. Chappaquiddick now stands for political nemesis-a shady part of ones past that won't go away.

It's amazing. The Democrats favorite 2 senators are a scumbag and an old Klansman, which I note at the risk of repeating myself.

Happy Anniversary, you old drunk! You're alive and a trusting young woman is so many years dead.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Again, Where are the Muslim Protests Against Islamist Terror?

One of my favorite sites is Media Lies and I visit it often. Unfortunately, because 'AntiMedia' says things so much better than I, I fear I've limited my postings on my site. He has a number of posts on Islamist atrocities (such as above post) that just scream for "mainstream" Muslim groups to cry out against the slaughter caused by their co-religionists. But the silence has been going on for too long. Oh sure, the occasional press release will be made that this is not the way of Islam, but I have to shout-"Prove it, damn you!"

For God's sake, 24 Iraqi children were murdered today by a suicide bomber. "He drove up to a Humvee where 4 US soldiers were handing out candy to children and detonated his bomb." These were most likely Muslim children and innocent of any crime but being a handy target for warriors of the "Religion of Peace."

CAIR and other apologists should have the courage to call for the international repudiation of these scum. Don't just issue weasel words, which are always followed by the call for non-Muslims to not blame all Muslims. Listen, the only hate crimes I've been reading about have been by Muslims. So they shouldn't worry, I promise to not harm any of them. Especially not their children. I shall not saw off the heads of the men, nor rape their women. They have nothing to fear from me.

How's that for melodrama? I hope that makes some feel better. I do not wish them harm. Yet, I fear it doesn't matter. These Muslim groups, even it they were composed of all people of good will, know that their own lives could be snuffed out by the Islamists if they cried out against such terrorism. Based on recent history, I have little hope of any real change.

Leftist Economics Fail Again

As the above Captain's Quarters post clearly states, the Laffer Curve works again. Which means that TAX CUTS result in more revenues every time it's tried. Presidents Kennedy and Reagan proved it before, and President Bush shows it works still. This flies in the face of the failed economic theory of present-day Democrats, liberals and other leftists, who just won't believe the facts staring them in the face. More money in citizens pockets, to be used as THEY see fit, it the way to keep our nation prosperous and free. Liberals...what schmucks!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

July 7th-Where the Hell are the Muslim Groups?

Hiding that's where. Just as so many other times in the past, the Muslim groups who are quick to yell "hate crime" if anyone criticizes them, are too silent on the Islamist terrorist strike in London. They are moral and physical cowards or else they agree with the terrorists. Or maybe they are the terrorists.

They were mostly silent about the wrongness of the 9-11 infamy, the Taliban atrocities, and the willful destruction of innocent Israeli lives. Don't expect them to step up in any numbers to clearly state that they are against the terrorists. Oh, there will be the obligatory news release, very softly condemning the attacks in very general terms. But even this will include justification of why the terrorism exists and that the blame is actually America, England and Israel.

July 7th-Another Islamist Day of Infamy

Carry on, Britannia!

Saturday, July 09, 2005

So You Think You'd Like to Move to Florida?

Well, once more we are in hurricane season. Dennis is now past the Keys and heading toward the Panhandle. The fourth named storm of this year and it's just early July. So it you're thinking of moving here, maybe you should think again. Things do look so lovely here in the winter, but there are 9 other months. So think it over carefully.

The Brits are stronger than the Islamists

The Brits deserve our respect once more. And of course our condolences in their grief. They have again been attacked by terrorists. For so many years, IRA terrorists tried to bring down the British people, but it didn't work. This time it's the Islamists.

Once more the fanatics of "religion of peace" has committed atrocities and show that terrorism is an integral part of their religion. The Brits have had a long relationship with Arabs and Muslims and have allowed so many of them into their country. So of course these guests, and others born and nationalized, have been preaching hatred of the Brits, the Americans and the Israelis for so many years.

The terrorist scum have once more forgotten that the Anglo-Saxons are made of much sterner stuff than most of the rest of the world. The Brits will not capitulate and will triumph over these terrorist scum the same as they have done for centuries.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy Independence Day!

This is the day to honor all those who created our nation on July 4th 1776. And also to honor all those serving today to keep us free. Their honorable service deserves respect and recognition...from all Americans. I wish this could be true of all of us.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Liberals are asses

As shown in the above linked opinion piece in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, liberals remain asses about the "Downing street Memo" that purports to show that President Bush lied about why we went (or were going) to war with Iraq. As with liberals, the same is true of Democrats (though I repeat myself) who seem to have lost the will or ability for critical thought. You remember of course John Kerry (D-Loserville) who said the Senate must investigate this. This was an old, settled story in England, but the Dems and fellow travelers haven't found a conspiracy theory yet that they won't buy into. They seem not be be able to "move-on." Schmucks.

Friday, July 01, 2005

About the President's Speech last Tuesday

I really liked it.

I would have preferred a little more "in your face" to the Democrat scum who recently were spouting sedition, but that's not his style. My wife keeps telling me that his method is so much better than mine, and that most people prefer the President's approach.

Of course she's right. BUT if not him, then others in the administration should weekly tell the Dems to kiss our collective ass. (End rant here)

No, to hell with that. The Democrat party leaders had one more chance to distance itself from its Michael Moore-on base, but instead chose to embrace it. But I don't question their patriotism, but only because I already know they are unpatriotic scum. (Okay, try to end the rant now and step away from the computer screen.)

Billy Graham and Bill Clinton-Evangelists?

So Billy Graham thinks Bill Clinton should be an evangelist, while Hillary takes care of the country? I know, it's easy to just say that Graham is an old fool, long past his prime and out of his senses. Well, that's how I feel anyway. But a quick search of the web clarified some previous comments ol' Christian forgiveness himself said about ol' BJ Billy. Just a couple ripped off another website:

Mr. Evangelical, Billy Graham, who is a great respecter of persons, said about Bill Clinton, an enemy of the cross of Christ: "I forgive him . . . because I know the frailty of human nature, and especially a strong, vigorous young man like he is. "He has such a tremendous personality that I think the ladies just go wild over him." In other words it was the fault of the victims not the victimizer?

"President Bill Clinton would make a great evangelist, the Rev. Billy Graham told U.S. News & World Report in a recent interview. Graham said he was impressed with Clinton's charisma and 'with some of the things he believes. From a biblical point of view, we should be headed in the direction of goodness and righteousness, away from crime and immorality,' Graham said, 'and towards one's neighbors who are in need. I'm encouraged by the emphasis President Clinton and Hillary are putting on that.'"The Houston Chronicle, 1993.

"We spent much of the afternoon together, talking about the past and current events, and also about the Bible and what it says about God's plan for our lives. It was a time of warm fellowship with a man who has not always won approval from his fellow Christians but who has in his heart a desire to serve God. (From Just As I Am by Billy Graham Evangelistic Association; HarperCollins Publishers:NY; 1997; chapter reprinted in the U.S.News & World Report; May 5, 1997; pp.64,70)

Kinda makes you wonder what kind of evangelist Billy Graham was during his younger days. Maybe he had a little zipper problem himself, which of course was the fault of women. (Damn the daughters of Eve, eh?) What is it about some Christian preachers and sex scandals anyway? Take the race hater, Jesse Jackson, who had at least one love child. Of course, everyone remembers Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker.

Don't get me wrong. Graham may be a good man, and as a man he has made mistakes. That's okay. As I understand Christianity, forgiveness is expected when mistakes are acknowledged and forgiveness asked for. But a particular blot on his record will always be his "forgiveness" and explanations for Bill Clinton's scandals. But then, I'm a Bill Clinton hater.

UPDATE: See followup posting on July 23rd.