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Right In Florida

Motto: This is what happens when Insanity and Banality come together.

Location: North Central Florida, United States

I'm an aging boomer, white male (cue scary music); not religious, mostly conservative. Married to the same woman forever. No kids-by choice (I believe in personal choice in most areas of life). Voted mostly Republican until November 2000 when the national Democrats tried to steal the election in Florida. I promised to never again vote for another Democrat; kept that promise to date.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Tom Tancredo - Realist

Thanks to Michelle Malkin for giving a comprehensive look at Congressman Tom Tancredo's comments that mentioned nuking Mecca under certain circumstances. I understand her discomfort with this issue (and I usually agree with her), but I have to come down on the side of Tancredo.

Frankly it's obvious he was responding to a hypothetical with a hypothetical. And he is right! Sure, some of the Islamist scum would not be deterred by such a promised retaliation, but someone who's financing these scum (perhaps living in the land of Mecca) might find it cause for concern. Let me be clear: if we suffer a nuclear attack-here or in other lands-by the followers of the "Religion of Peace," then I'm in favor of turning sand to glass. In Mecca, around Mecca and in other areas containing the peaceful religion's major sacred sites. Only exception would be the big one in Israel.

Yes, I know it sounds bloodthirsty, but I have to believe many of the people taking shots at Tancredo right now would and will feel the same way if a nuclear attack occurred here.

And let's get real...we know it is a very real possibility, perhaps bordering on probability, that a nuclear terror attack will happen. Deep down, we know that there are terrorists and terrorist sympathizers (same thing) right here in the US of A. And we know that they are Muslims (okay, okay, "Islamists") and they are blinded by hate and one hell of an inferiority complex.

And thanks to Michelle for her link to Baldilocks post at http://baldilocks.typepad.com/baldilocks/2005/07/get_it_right.html.

I just heard that Tom Tancredo is not apologizing. Way to go, Congressman! Don't let the bastards get you down.


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