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Right In Florida

Motto: This is what happens when Insanity and Banality come together.

Location: North Central Florida, United States

I'm an aging boomer, white male (cue scary music); not religious, mostly conservative. Married to the same woman forever. No kids-by choice (I believe in personal choice in most areas of life). Voted mostly Republican until November 2000 when the national Democrats tried to steal the election in Florida. I promised to never again vote for another Democrat; kept that promise to date.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Followup to my previous post on the Billys (Graham and Clinton)

In the above linked post I created on July 1st, I had some snarky things to say about Billy Graham, in relationship to his then comments on BJ and the Hill Clinton. Now, I was mostly taking a slap at the evangelist, but I got a reader comment that only concentrated on that part of BJ Billy Clinton. Well, I thought about going further with it, but frankly forgot. Something in the news just reminded me, so I'll re-visit it. Now I'm not going to re-write the post. But I do want to include here the reader's comment and my response. But first, my opening sentence was: "So Billy Graham thinks Bill Clinton should be an evangelist, while Hillary takes care of the country?"

Reader Jami wrote: "if i understand you correctly to be a christian, you're not supposed to hate anyone, especially not people like the clintons, who spend 99% of their time working really hard to help other people. that's a lot of what draws in the ladies. if you're a little jealous, you should try to be more like "bj billy," not less."

Now, I ask you, how can you respond to this? First, anyone who loves the Clintons that much would not care to listen to anything further I would say. Second, maybe I've been unclear that I'm not a Christian. Maybe, even though I've put in the above "About Me" section that I'm not religious, I didn't say I'm not a Christian. So maybe that can be misinterpreted, but I didn't say I wasn't a Muslim, Jew or Hindu either. Anyway, I replied to her as follows: "Well, thanks for your comments. As I think I've made clear, I'm not a Christian. So I guess that allows me to hate anyone I choose, eh?Elsewhere in my blog I think I am frank in stating that I've been a piece of crap in my life. Maybe even as of today. That's why I know BJ is a slime ball who is only in it for himself. We're simpatico. But you could have a point about me being jealous. Hmm, I think I'll cheat on my wife, have sex with a subordinate and make sure I pull in my friends and family into the hell I created. Then I guess I'll have more of your respect, especially if I then say that I'll take someone else's money and give to the poor and downtrodden. And don't forget that BJ (and Hill) are avowed Christians and that BJ had just been to Easter services just before he availed himself of Monica's services. This should mean something even to a Clinton apologist. But maybe I misunderstand you. Remember, I'm speaking as a Clinton hater."

Billy Graham has done great things in his past, but he has also done and said some incredibly stupid and wrong things as well. And when it comes to the Clintons, he is both stupid and wrong. I say that as someone who used to go to a Baptist church (you can't get any more "Christian" or "evangelical" than that, just ask a fellow Baptist) and have quite a good background in true Christian values. Because I have a number of failings and I am no member of any church and I am not religious in the conventional sense, I would never call myself a Christian. But because of my shortcomings in the religious arena, I do have great respect for those who are true Christians. (See my previous posts on Christians and the liberals who hate them.)

And I must confess that I lied to Jami: I am not a Clinton hater...I'm more of a Bill Clinton despiser. And even that would be too strong, if only the bastard would leave the scene. But, no, he's ever present and can always be counted on the bash his country and his (so many) betters, so my feelings continue to run deep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » » »

3/04/2007 4:07 PM  

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