I have the greatest respect for Katherine Harris. She took a lot of crap from Florida Democrats just because she had to follow Florida law in the 2000 election. As Florida's Secretary of State, she was right and she was brave. When she ran for Congress in 2002, my only problem with her election was that I couldn't vote for her.
Well, now she wants Bill Nelson's senate seat. I wish she would wait a couple of more years in order to get more seasoned in Congress before shooting for higher office, but now is her best chance since the next Florida senate race is 2010. So, I say, sure...why not now? She's not a strong conservative, but she's not a Democrat or liberal (but I repeat myself). And Bill Nelson must go.
The linked article concerns former Florida congressman Joe Scarborough's possible bid for the same seat. I like Scarborough, but he's the one who retired from Congress voluntarily. Apparently he was tired of the day to day politics after serving 4 terms and term limited himself ( a promise I think he made). I respect that, but he's had opportunities since then to return. Now it should be someone else's turn. He's a worthy and needed conservative voice in the media and should stay there.
There's been a lot of blather about how divisive a Harris campaign would be because the Democrats would be out for blood because they can't forget the 2000 election. Well, screw that! The Democrats have proven themselves to be scum in 2000 and every election since. They will not stop just because Harris is not a candidate. And remember, Democrats have waved that bloody shirt in 2002 and 2004 and LOST. A majority of us in Florida remember that unethical behavior of the national Democrats in 2000 and just how willing the Florida Dems were to support and condone that behavior. That's why Gov. Jeb Bush soundly beat that big ol' gal Janet Reno in 2002 and Mel Martinez (also not a conservative) became Senator in 2004. The Dems have nothing new now and their phony indignation was already tired and tiring in 2004.
So, Katherine Harris, I support you in this run. I wish you were more conservative, but you deserve your chance.