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Right In Florida

Motto: This is what happens when Insanity and Banality come together.

Location: North Central Florida, United States

I'm an aging boomer, white male (cue scary music); not religious, mostly conservative. Married to the same woman forever. No kids-by choice (I believe in personal choice in most areas of life). Voted mostly Republican until November 2000 when the national Democrats tried to steal the election in Florida. I promised to never again vote for another Democrat; kept that promise to date.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Get to work, Slackers!!

So all you young adults, especially those who voted for Obama in 2012 and for any Democrat in 2014...makes lots and LOTS of money 'cause I intend to spend every last dime you contribute. And with no thanks for your contributions...because by then I'll be a Democrat too. And that means never having to say Thanks or I'm Sorry or I'm So Ashamed For What I Did or I Have No Idea Who That Hooker Was.

A Little Bit O' History

A little history lesson for the Warmies and such like who wet their pants in fear of Climate Change.

"For at least120 years, climate “scientists” have been claiming that the climate was going to kill us…but they have kept switching whether it was a coming ice age, or global warming."

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Who the hell isn't gay in Hollywood?

This could interesting IF you care what someone did back in the 1980s.

All I know is Travolta has been a great local citizen here in Marion County and can be counted on for community support.

Next someone is going to suggest that Tom Cruise is gay. Huh? Oh, well never mind.

Go to hell

Oh, go to hell! 130 times.

Simpletons at best.Capitalism is more likely the answer. Communism and Socialism not so much.

Can you say China? Can you say Soviet Union?

Racism?What Racism?

Nah! No racism involved.

Just because an institution thinks that minorities are too inadequate to do work on same level as whites and asians...well, that can't be racist.

I mean, just because the KKK thinks so, umm, what was my point again?
Am I the only one who thinks this is racist? It's certainly socialist. Check out how the University of Wisconsin is changing its grading criteriahttp://allenbwest.com/2014/07/achievement-redistribution-university-wisconsin-distribute-grades-based-race-ethnicity/

Photo: Am I the only one who thinks this is racist? It's certainly socialist. Check out how the University of Wisconsin is changing its grading criteria http://allenbwest.com/2014/07/achievement-redistribution-university-wisconsin-distribute-grades-based-race-ethnicity/

History is hard

A little history lesson always seems needed for the present Democrat base.

Historically ignorant as well as economically and fiscally illiterate, maybe the base can be taught the basics. Maybe.

This of course does not apply to you, my Dem friend. You're super smart.

Never Forget!

Yeah, a Democrat president pushed through the 1964 civil rights act. But did you know that Republicans had tried before and were blocked!

"Before he took up the cause of civil rights as president, Lyndon Johnson acting as Senate majority leader blocked the GOP’s 1956 civil-rights bill, and gutted Eisenhower’s 1957 Civil Rights Act. Democratic senators filibustered the GOP’s 1960 Civil Rights Act."


Monday, July 21, 2014

It's Science!

I believe in science. More precisely the traditional scientific method.

I automatically suspect any Science that is currently politically correct. That is Political Science and and therefore not science.

Another case in point. If you believe, as I do, that the world is in a warming phase and will continue until it enters the usual cooling phase, but that man plays only a small part in either and can do even less to stop the warming or cooling, then I become anti-science. And since I think the earth may see a cooling phase on its way to even further warming, I'm a science denier. But I place myself in good company. See this:

Same as it ever was

Not a smidgen of corruption. They are just sticking their middle fingers in our faces.

"The new round of computer crash victims includes David Fish, who routinely corresponded with Lois Lerner, as well as Lerner subordinate Andy Megosh, Lerner’s technical adviser Justin Lowe, and Cincinnati-based agent Kimberly Kitchens."

Thoughts on Putin and Russia and the 2012 election

You remember ALL THE WAY BACK THEN doncha'?

Romney identified Putin and Russia as our competitors. Called a fool and stuck in the Reagan era.

Palin called out Putin and Russia as our adversaries. Mocked as a fool and stupid.

Yeah, Dems are warriors and freakin' geniuses when they go all in to protect their guy and their party. They seem to forget to also protect their nation. Oh, well...two out of three and all that. 

And they've forgotten all the lying crap already. Wiped from memory. Normality achieved. Ready for the next election. What is the party line? Check.

Sunday, July 20, 2014



Even those of us on the right who are not practicing Christians still respect Judaism and Christianity and do not fear nor DO NOT WANT to destroy either.

"Jew-hatred is endemic to the Left – be it National Socialism (Nazism), Communism or today’s Democratic Party. For the Jews, prosperity and safety are not found in siding with those who reject all values but in those who have the better values. It’s not a coincidence that the first Judeo-Christian nation in all of human history is also the place that has provided the Jews with the most welcoming, free and safe existence since the original land of Israel. Nor is it surprising that the Europe the Democrats seek to emulate was not only the home of Nazism and Communism but today is seeing a resurgence of Jew-hatred."

Why not eleven commandments?

Why shouldn't the Fake Indian have 11 commandments.

She doesn't have to follow the original 10 or even her own to be a Dem. And her party faithful are just waiting for the chance to vote for her as prez.

Being a Dem must mean never having to say WTF!

Democrats do love a fake (Part infinity)

Instead of a black god, the Dems can now be superior to the rest of us by pushing an "Indian" Princess. Ah, to call this naive is to be much too kind.

(More) Insanity from Florida

Freakin' Insanity.

Schmuck didn't read a cigarette pkg his entire life. Didn't know why they were called coffin nails. Too damned stupid to live, apparently. And a too damned stupid to think jury is okay with that.

And I say that to say this. I have been for marijuana legalization for years. BUT I wanted it as controlled and as taxed as tobacco.

BUT I'm not an ass(well, not a complete one...okay, but at least I know I am). I know there are always consequences of any action.

(Unless you're a politician, for which there should be firing squads available for the consequences of their venal decisions. Hmm, true for most trial lawyers too.)

NOW the same shysters who've made fortunes for "defending" the too damned stupid people who used a legal product must be salivating for the chance to do the same on behalf of pot smokers. HEY!! Maybe pot smoking can result in addiction to tobacco. Wow...win-win!

Get ready Colorado pot heads...you will be getting health issues very soon for many reasons (chiefly caused by life) but you will be able to claim that the government approved pot caused your problem.

It's not your fault. Call a shyster.


Democrats do love a fake (part 1)

Another view of the Fake Indian...and next Democrat presidential candidate.

Gotta love the Dem base...they will swallow and follow any fraud.

They knew Bill Clinton was a horn dog...yet swallowed the fraud that he was a happily married man.

They knew Obama was a cipher...yet believed him to be deep, thoughtful and... Jeebus...godlike.

They know that Hillary Clinton is unable to accomplish anything except self promotion and being Bill's long suffering wife and enabler...yet still believe that she is ready to take on the world.

They must have read that Warren used a fake resume to become a rich professor who has accomplished nothing outside of academia...yet voted her as senator and await her giant intellect as the first woman president.

Delusion, such as believing in the Easter Bunny, is amusing in children.

Disturbing in an electorate that prides itself and deludes itself that it is reality based.

Reality based. Hardly.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

It's not his fault!!

Wow, Prez Putz doesn't accept responsibility for ANYTHING, even when written in his own name. Yeah, the putz is not responsible for anything.

Amazing how dim the head Dem is.

Well, not really. Look who voted him in as head Dem.


"This latest revelation was on the heels of Monday's question by Karl as to whether the President writes his own tweets, and if he was even aware of what is being tweeted in his name. The response? The president does not write, nor does he read his own tweets.

The issue of the tweets was about the controversy surrounding a tweet by President Barack Obama last Thursday where he seemed to be saying the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision meant women could not make their own health care decisions:

Press Secretary Josh Earnest claimed that the tweets were issued by Organizing For America (OFA) independent of the White House. Though the twitter handle is @BarackObama, the White House claims no responsibility or accountability, for the tweets.

However, he did not offer any explanation as to why an "independent" organization can tweet in Barack Obama's name or how this can occur without input and permission from the president's political team, nor did he or anyone else officially associated with the president or the White House express objection to the OFA tweet."
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What a Weenie!

What a Weenie! No wonder America is neither respected, loved nor feared in the world. Gah! Thanks, Dems, you did so well.
Obama complained Thursday that he’s “lonely” doing all the work in Washington by himself, without Congress.

“You know it is lonely, me just doing stuff. I’d love it if the Republicans did stuff too,” he said during his speech in Austin, Texas.

“Sometimes I feel like saying to these guys: ‘I’m the guy doing my job. You must be the other guy’,” Obama remarked, quoting Mark Wahlberg’s character in “a great movie called ‘The Departed.’ A little violent for kids.”

An Observation

President Prickly (or Prick for short) sure can't take a punch.

"It's lonely just me doing stuff," Obama said. "I'd love if the Republicans did stuff too."

NOW IF HE would only be as much of a Prick to our enemies in the world, I'd forgive him his childishness. But that ain't gonna happen. The only enemy to His Holiness is a Republican.

Musings of an old guy on a Sunday morning

To you younger women, a few thoughts:

I know when you see an old guy, white haired or bald or both, you think “He's harmless. I can trust him. He reminds me of my dad...or grandpa.”

But if he's not your dad or grandpa, generally you ignore him. Your eyes will sweep the room as you come in and pass right by him as if he isn't there.

Unless you work for him or with him. Then you're likely to be same as any young guy. You think “He's in the way, been here too long, old ideas, old way of doing things, but I think I know how to get rid of him. Movin' on up...era of the woman, old man!”

And there's so much truth in this in the work place. But not always. The old man got there by fighting lots of fights and skirmishes over the many years with people who just may have been better than you. And he still knows how to do it, it's just not something he does unless he deems it necessary. So be careful. If he did it, so can you...but you won't be the first to try. It could be better to see if he has any lessons to teach and if you are able learn from him.

You can always get rid of him later.

Just remember an old saying: “when there's snow on the roof, there's usually a fire in the chimney.”

And remember: The old guy may not think of himself as old.

To you younger guys, a few thoughts:

I know when you see an old guy, white haired or bald or both, you think “yeah, I can take him.”

In the parking lot, that could mean you can beat him up and take his money IF you want to.

In the work place, that most likely means you have little respect for how the old man got there. “He's old and tired, no fresh ideas, can't handle the long hours, he's looking to retire soon...so I can move up. All I have to do is get rid of him. Easy.”

And there's so much truth in both scenarios. But I should tell you something now before you learn the hard way. Not every old guy is a physical pushover but more importantly, we know how to destroy you. We just do it with subtlety using the existing system and you won't know it's happening until we grin in your confused face as we walk you to the door.

But here's the real fun fact: generally we don't do that, we just usually smile a little ruefully.

We remember we were assholes once.  

Friday, July 04, 2014

Democrats can have an independence day...if they have the will

Ah, Democrat politicians. They so despise this country that they conspire in its invasion.

The Dem voters are complicit. If they thought otherwise, the Dem voters would have long ago fought back. But to them, only Republicans are the enemy of the state.

All it would take is a few to stand up and say "no more."

November 2014 would be a good time for the average Dem voter to declare their personal "Independence Day" but I doubt enough will take advantage of their last opportunity.

"Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) believes the border crisis is not a national security threat, despite gangsters having already been apprehended along the United States-Mexico border.
In fact, Jackson Lee waved a bag of lollipops during a Thursday House Homeland Security Field Hearing in McAllen, Texas, and said she took bags of such lollipops to the illegal immigrant children in detention centers during recent visits."
