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Right In Florida

Motto: This is what happens when Insanity and Banality come together.

Location: North Central Florida, United States

I'm an aging boomer, white male (cue scary music); not religious, mostly conservative. Married to the same woman forever. No kids-by choice (I believe in personal choice in most areas of life). Voted mostly Republican until November 2000 when the national Democrats tried to steal the election in Florida. I promised to never again vote for another Democrat; kept that promise to date.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"It's The Heat, My God, The Heat!"

You may remember that line from Seinfeld.  


Yeah, it's been hot this summer...and imagine that. If you listen to, and believe, everything you hear reported in the gullible media, you just know that this year is the HOTTEST EVER!!!! Run!!!!

But I trust a few of you know better and have actually been following weather trends and scare stories since Algore's 'Earth in the Lurch' book two decades ago. Such Junk Science has become the sacrament to true believers. (Personally I blame Captain Planet, but since he's a cartoon...wait a minute, I am talking about Algore.)

If so, you'd know that many things have changed in the past decades, particularly reporting methodology and technology and increased reporting stations, and reporting stations within heat islands. And don't forget the fraudulent reporting through the auspices of NASA. 

What shouldn't surprise me, but sometimes does, is that so many people don't know that satellite weather recording is a recent event. Man didn't get such satellites until the 1960s and they were not as sophisticated as now. 

Anyway, so maybe you will relate to the following excerpt from the linked article: 

"We've been hearing that 2012 has been the “hottest on record.” I had written earlier that those claims were based on the contiguous United States only, or 1.5% of the earth’s surface. The “global temperature” in 2012 through June was only the 10th hottest on record. In fact, every single month of 1998 was warmer than the corresponding month of 2012."
I know science generally can be wonderful and I believe scientific achievements will help us in a warming world. And of course ol' Gaia is warming and will continue until the next ice age. But corrupted science will not benefit us. Regardless, Science at its best is not an omniscient 'God' and scientists are not its infallible high priests.

So every time I hear a "scientific" horror story (can you say 'Alar'), I do try to find what is the range of scientific thought and then apply my knowledge, understanding and experience. This includes the questions related to who and what. Who are these people; who benefits from their finding; what is their track record; and WTH! I don't like being made a fool of, and worse, I don't like people to think I'm such a fool I'll believe any crap they shovel my way.   Case in point.  

Oh, and get ready for SARS...the sequel. Another horror story, so again RUN!!  

My point..and really I do have one..is there is some serious crap going down in the world right now. 

And being sweaty or having the flu is not in the top 3 potential killers right now.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

White House Lies

I'd had enough of all the crap.  

When it's not serious, Dems and media (but I repeat myself) are all ready to go to war...against conservatives and Christians. 

But when their own safety and freedom are truly in peril...squat. 

Never count on Democrats and the media when life, liberty and freedom are on the line. 


Pelosi the Putz

One more time I have to remind you:

Senate controlled by DEMS 2007 to 2012

Congress controlled by DEMS 2007 to 2010

President controlled by DEMS 2009 to 2012

And yet DEMS have NO RESPONSIBLITY for a damned thing. Putz I say. And BS I say. And Crap I say. 

Being a DEM is to be blissfully incapable of taking responsibility for bad decisions. And to be able to lie to yourself and others, when not being a venal prick. Must be nice not to give a crap, in'nit?

CNSNews.com was launched on June 16, 1998 as a news source for individuals, news organizations and broadcas

And the corruption continues

And the corruption continues. 

Ho Hum. Move on...nothing to see here...yadda yadda yadda

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Quit Yer Bitchin' Dems!

Hey, Dems, Liberals and the Media. Yeah, I know...same thing.
Quit yer complaining about Romney and money in politics. Every "special" event for Obama costs and raises a hell of a lot. And it doesn't come from po' folks.

I Pledge Allegiance to Barack (part II)

♫ Barack Obama über alles, Über alles in der Welt ♫"

Well, it's good to know that Hollywood does have patriotism.


I Pledge Allegiance to Barack...

♫ Barack Obama über alles, Über alles in der Welt ♫"

(Yes, another gratuitous Hitler/Nazi Germany reference. I understand why the Dems LOVED to use it on Bush.)

Allies and Enemies

Japan and China are having a squabble...again.

If I were Japan, I'd take no comfort that America is its ally. 

This administration has shown to our friends and enemies that we are the paper tiger, incapable of protecting our own - or our friends - interests. 

Sad. Because the day will soon come that we will need allies. 

But I hope this isn't a downer at the next Obama party or tv appearance. 

That'd really be sad.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Religion of Peace, My Ass! (Part 25)

Sigh.  It's so sad being ashamed of your government representatives.

Freedom of Religion. Freedom of Speech.  Not for Americans, if it involves adherents of the dark ages religion.
