I'm not religious, but I've never had a real problem with religion being brought into government. I've always felt that religious people have right to be heard and have the right to petition for redress, and that includes being a member of government.
My real problem was taking any religion's dogma and making that the law. But, let's face it, that's never been a significant problem in America on the national level.
Funny, but you must remember just how much a religious nut President Bush was made out to be when he first ran in 2000? The Dems and other leftists carried on so about how his Christianity would usher in the next Inquisition.
Now, notice just how quiet the Dems, the mainstream media and other leftists have been about Barry O'Bama's (and "proud of America" wife) frequently expressed Christianity. His membership in a racially biased church wasn't mentioned except in the most positive terms.
This religious angle has the same feel as in 2000 and 2004 in another area...military service. The Dems, the mainstream media and other leftists made so much about President Bush's limited (and avoidance) of military service when compared to the military warrior-heroes like AlGore and JFKerry. Well, this time military experience seems not to be an issue for them. Sorta seems like 1992 and 1996 doesn't it? You remember, when the military hating Bill Clinton was running against true warriors like GHW Bush and Bob Dole.
Democrat motto: we only bitch when the Republican candidate is better than our guy in all the ways that matter. (Which is all the time.)
(Yeah, I know I'm rambling. I'm sitting here on a Sunday morning trying to catch up on work I didn't finish last week. And I'm just a little pissy. But that doesn't make me any less right.)