so I'm not a member of the Church of Man Made Global Warming, nor is AlGore my high priest.
I would have to be a religious fanatic to be able to believe such unbelievable crap. But that's not my mindset.
I also have the ability to read, consider, decipher, compare and analyze what others say. A good case study is this above linked article by
Steven Milloy, which is a good summary of 10 climate myths busted during 2007.
But mostly I'm not a true believer in the Church of Gaia because I've lived over 50 years and recall most of those years.
So I remember, for example:
** the great global cooling scare of the 70s
** the horrible world wide swine flu (that didn't happen), also of the 70s (1976)
** the certainty of catastrophic deaths from SARS
** how all us heterosexuals who would boink anyone of the opposite sex could/would get AIDS
** how mercury fillings would brain damage us
** how mercury in fish would brain damage us (or at least a fetus)
** how smoking dope would brain damage us (umm, never mind)
** the ALAR apple scare of 1989 (almost wholly made up by CBS/60 Minutes).
These were mostly bullshit. Why? Not because there wasn't some cause for concern, but because cooler heads even then knew that these scares were considerably hyped or mostly bogus.
And because I also remember, for example:
** the horrors of polio
** lung cancer and early death from smoking cigarettes (known as coffin nails since the 1800s)
** significant deaths and blindness from measles
** significant number of deaths from influenza.
These had long been documented, studied and considered. These were reality-based.
You didn't have to abandon reason for faith to accept their reality...and probability of outcomes.
So based on reading and observation, and using some common sense, I can 'believe' the earth has been warming for decades. And that man's input has been pretty damned small. And that pouring trillions of dollars into the AlGore inspired or decreed Ponzi schemes is pretty damned stupid.
Nope, I'm not religious.
And besides, any one who would believe AlGore on anything is pretty much an idiot.