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Right In Florida

Motto: This is what happens when Insanity and Banality come together.

Location: North Central Florida, United States

I'm an aging boomer, white male (cue scary music); not religious, mostly conservative. Married to the same woman forever. No kids-by choice (I believe in personal choice in most areas of life). Voted mostly Republican until November 2000 when the national Democrats tried to steal the election in Florida. I promised to never again vote for another Democrat; kept that promise to date.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Let's Start the Christmas Holiday Season Right...with a Fight!

That's the real Christmas spirit! Well, apparently here in/near Orlando, Florida, where some of us decided a good fight will enhance the buying experience (per Orlando Channel 6). Similar stuff went on around Ft. Lauderdale, per the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. (From perusing Drudge.)

Today, the day after Thanksgiving, has become known as "Black Friday," but for a few aggressive Florida shoppers today became "Black and Blue Friday."

Seasons greetings, y'all.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Way to Go, Mr. Vice President!

Dick Cheney, at a speech at the American Enterprise Institute this morning, gave a compelling background on the Iraq invasion, the then-known intelligence, and history of attacks on America. He clearly showed why the Democrats "cut and run" plan for Iraq will only ensure that we have further 9-11 atrocities in our country. This was an excellent sequel to his speech last week. I hope he continues doing this at least once a week.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Jesse's Girl (Michelle Malkin)

I love this post by Michelle Malkin. She rips into the idiots who claim she's "Just a Yellow Woman Doing a White Man's Job" and explains her relationship with her non-Asian husband. It is an obviously great marriage where both parties love, support and help each other. A truly equal partnership, which is what a marriage should be.

I am not surprised by the racism of the lefties because it is inherent in the social and political policies they support. There is no deed too nasty to be repugnant if it's against any minority who is even slightly conservative.

Beautiful job of explaining. And I would bet on her in any one-on-one physical altercation with any male lefty loon.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

"The Democratic Plan for Iraq"

From Michelle Malkin's blog. Funny but so true.

The Hurricane That Wasn't

Okay, it's been 24 hours and it looks like Gamma will grow no stronger than a tropical storm. Further, it looks like it will cut across the middle of Cuba. If that remains true, that will be a relief to friends and family in south Florida. Frankly, we've had enough of storms this year.

Friday, November 18, 2005

What the Hell!! Another Hurricane??

I don't believe this. I've been out of touch all day and just now looked at Drudge.

A tropical storm - Gamma - has formed in the gulf and the expected track takes it into south Florida on Monday. You folks down south-hang on! And you're feeling how we felt last year when 3 storms passed through and kicked ass.

Orange County (Florida) NAACP Chief Switches to GOP

Man bites dog! Down is up! Reality strikes!

A Florida NAACP head in Orange County/Orlando has supported some Republicans in the past. He has finally switched his political party affiliation to the GOP. (From a report in the Orlando Sentinel)

This is only sensible since Republicans have done the most over the last quarter century to advance the social and economic betterment of minorities. But it is still so unusual because most blacks and minorities prefer the safety of the Democrat plantation.

Maybe this is a watershed moment. But I don't think so.

The NAACP has been part of the new slavemaster class and has helped ensure that blacks remain beholden only to the Democrats. Just as most slaves accepted their circumstances and didn't rise up and kill their Democrat white masters, so most modern day blacks seem to be unable to recognize that they are politically controlled by white bigots in that same Democrat party. Bigots because the national Democrats don't think minorities can provide or think for themselves...they need help from their betters.

Rep. Murtha-Another Democrat Turncoat

From reading the MSM papers and newscasts, you would think the Rep. Murtha was a war hawk who had just turned against the war. Another Democrat lie! Murtha has been as wishy washy as John Kerry, as dishonest as Howard Dean and is now fully on the Teddy Kennedy bandwagon. In early 2004, when he supported Kerry, he began the whine that the war was unwinnable. Now that the war has been won and the peace is winnable, he has fully joined his treasonous brethren.

Murtha has the gall to say if you didn't serve, you shouldn't have a voice. Arrogant bastard! How about all the many who have served who retained their honor and fully support our troops? Don't they count? How about the Democrat scum who never served and have been rooting for an American defeat in Iraq, in the same fashion as Viet Nam? Why should they be listened to? Murtha may have served honorably in the Marines, but his recent actions have been dishonorable. Hell, Benedict Arnold was a heroic patriot before he sold out his countymen. And Joe McCarthy was an honorable serviceman before he was a right wing nutjob. And John Kerry won lots of medals in his short time at war before he came back to lie about his fellows in Viet Nam.

There is an apt comparison to Viet Nam. In both instances, the MSM, Democrat politicians (e.g., Kennedy) and traitorous war veterans (e.g., Kerry) joined forces to destroy the morale of American forces and citizens, thus ensuring that our servicemen would not win.

So many of the Viet Nam traitors are part of the pack to again destroy American willpower and troop morale. Kerry and Kennedy most readily come to mind, and they have been joined by Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter. Bastards all!

UPDATE (6:45 pm)

Antimedia is "pissed" too. He doesn't trust most politicians to do the right thing. For example, "There's nothing like a politician to stab a military man in the back and make all his sacrifice and hard work worthless." Amen to that.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Truth in Advertising is Illegal-In Florida

Who knew that it would be illegal to be truthful in your advertising? Well, that's the case in Florida, as determined by the Florida Supreme Court. You remember them, don't you? The schmucks in black robes who brought us all the grief in the 2000 election.

The Florida Supremes decided that lawyers cannot legally tell the truth.

Per the Associated Press: The seven justices unanimously decided that a TV commercial featuring a pit bull in a spiked collar and the telephone number PIT-BULL demeans the legal profession and misleads the public.
They reprimanded Fort Lauderdale lawyers John Pape and Marc Chandler and ordered them to attend a Florida bar workshop on advertising.
Chief Justice Barbara Pariente wrote that the high court cannot condone an ad implying lawyers will "get results through combative and vicious tactics that will maim, scar or harm the opposing party."

The chief justice also said that if the court approved the pit bull ad, "images of sharks, wolves, crocodiles and piranhas could follow."

Look, we all know the legal profession has an incredible number of shysters and ambulance chasers-commonly known as "trial lawyers"-whose advertisements always show them as caring and compassionate people who will defend you against the evil doctors, etc. And we all know that is a crock of crap.

The Ft. Lauderdale lawyers were much more honest. That can't be allowed, folks.

Another Florida Child Kidnapper Dead

Yes, come to Florida. All the scum do. Case in point from today, per the Associated Press:

HIALEAH, Fla. (AP) -- A convicted sex offender accused of abducting a 17-year-old girl apparently shot and killed himself and the girl escaped uninjured Thursday after police pulled over the car they were in, authorities said.

Laird was previously convicted of lewd or lascivious battery on a victim 12 to 15 years old.

Regarding the previous post, we didn't get the chance to execute this scum, he saved us the trouble. For a change, it was fortunate the teen was uninjured.

Florida Child Murderer Convicted

A Sarasota jury took only five hours to convict Joseph Smith of kidnapping, raping and strangling an 11-year-old girl, Carlie Bruchia. The sad fact is that this is not the only case of child rape and murder that has occurred in Florida in the past two years.

In Florida, we have the death penalty, and we're not afraid to use it. Unfortunately, we don't electrocute scum anymore, but we do get by with the lethal injection method. I hope Smith burns in hell (if there is one), but it would be much better if he could get a head start, courtesy of ol' Sparky.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Democrat Lies (Michael Barone's view)

To buttress my previous post, Michael Barone has an excellent column at USNews.com in which he exposes the Democrat lying weasels (okay those are my words).

An excerpt:

I'll leave the last word to Fred Hiatt, editorial-page editor of the Washington Post, who seems to take a similar view in his column today.
"'Those aren't irrelevant questions [about prewar intelligence],' says Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.). 'But the more they dominate the public debate, the harder it is to sustain public support for the war.'
"What Lieberman doesn't say is that many Democrats would view such an outcome as an advantage. Their focus on 2002 is a way to further undercut President Bush, and Bush's war, without taking the risk of offering an alternative strategy–to satisfy their withdraw-now constituents without being accountable for a withdraw-now position.
"Many of them understand that dwindling public support could force the United States into a self-defeating position, and that defeat in Iraq would be disastrous for the United States as well as for [Iraqi Vice President Adel Abdul] Mahdi and his countrymen. But the taste of political blood as Bush weakens, combined with their embarrassment at having supported the war in the first place, seems to override that understanding."

Democrat Lies (My View)

Democrats have been re-writing history on the Iraq war since at least following the 2004 election. The President has been incredibly slow to respond, per my previous post.

However, the only reason he should have responded earlier and more forcefully is because of the incredible Democrat lies about the war and why they they now say Bush lied. They saw almost everything the President saw and they were forceful when they justified their original votes, whether for or against.

There is nothing of consequence that the President had access to that Congress didn't see. Now the Democrats are doing their best to re-write history, basing their charges on the flimsiest of evidence. The important issues concerning the intelligence used in authorizing the war were covered by the supposedly bi-partisan 9-11 commission and in other investigations.

All the Democrats and their enablers are doing are sowing discord, damaging the war effort and harming the troops in the field. There are now plenty of lies-all coming from Democrats.

These lies are not errors in judgment; the lies are deliberate and the liars are willfully disregarding the negative impacts solely for partisan advantage. They are harming our troops, our national morale and our national will. That is the true outrage and it is unforgivable. And I believe treasonous.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Presidential Message-Defense or Offense?

President Bush has finally begun "attacking his critics" (according to his critics and the MSM) or (as I prefer to think) he's: 1) explaining why he and the nation were right to change Iraq and 2) he's pointing out that his critics are self-serving weasel assholes. He has been doing this by using his critics own words against them. And he has not been alone. Even McCain has been helpful and it's not often I say that, since I'm no fan of his.

Given that most of his critics are liars, this should be easy. But it won't be since the MSM is against him and the war. But he must continue. The lies must be answered...and often.

Antimedia, as usual, has a great post on this. He senses a planned strategy. A part of his post:
It is now apparent that the administration, in coordination with other Republicans, has decided it is time to take on the "Bush lied, people died" meme. At first, I reacted as many did, saying, "It's about time."
As I've had more time to reflect on it, I wonder if this wasn't planned all along. The 2006 elections are just twelve months away. Plamegate collapsed in a heap, with nothing to show for eighteen months of investigation except unrelated charges for Libby. The Iraqi elections will take place on December 15th, leaving positive feelings about Iraq with the American public right before Christmas. By spring, the US will probably begin drawing down the troop levels in Iraq, inducing more confidence in the American public.
It looks like Bush has given the Democrats enough rope to seriously hang themselves, right before things begin to look really rosy in Iraq. By election day, the contrast will be stark. On the left, the doomsayers who falsely claim that the war in Iraq is a disaster will be backpedaling furiously, while Republicans will be basking in the success of Iraq and the beginning of the return of the troops.
The "Bush lied" meme will have been buried forever.

Very well said. It's logical and I hope he's right.

I felt compelled to comment: I was one who was wondering why it took so long for the President to respond forcefully. I know he's a better human being than the liars in opposition, but I feared he was becoming a punching bag for everyone. It's bad enough we have Dem senators lying about their previous positions, but they have had several months trying to re-write history and obviously finding people willing to believe this crap. Whatever his reasons, this must be challenged now and often.

Heading North

Florida Cracker, that is. She and her family are leaving south Florida for parts north, but still in Florida. And it's not because of Wilma, as I had first thought. She's considering her options and has asked for suggestions. I suggested anywhere north of Orlando. Mrs. Right and I wish her and hers the best of luck.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Felons Still Can't Vote-in Florida

Let's hear if for the Supreme Court! They got this one right.

Per Reuters: "The U.S. Supreme Court let stand on Monday a Florida law that generally bars convicted felons from voting, even after they have completed their term of prison, probation and parole."

Sorry about that, Democrats! Another blow to your base. You'll still have to cheat without the felon vote, but you still have the dead and the stupid.

Religion of Peace, My Ass! (Another sequel)

Per NewsMax and elsewhere, "A teacher in Saudi Arabia was sentenced to 40 months in jail and 750 lashes for discussing the Bible and praising Jews."

This is not unusual. In fact, it's the norm in those areas of the world that subscribe to the "religion of peace," particularly when it becomes the basis for all law.

Oh, yeah, don't forget about the brave followers of the "religion of peace" who killed 3 Christian children in Indonesia (thanks Michelle Malkin) and the other brave souls who burned down two churches in Pakistan (thanks LGF and see the many other of his posts on equal and worse Islamic insanity) because of a rumor that the Koran was desecrated. Christ, what a bunch of backward people! But only a backward people would believe in all the heinous requirements of the "religion of peace."

People make so much fun of Christians here in the USA (I know I have), but there is one thing you can count on: you may get dumb-ass comments (Pat Robertson), but you don't get killings of unbelievers. Yet the supposedly modern and moderate adherents of the "religion of peace" remain remarkably quiet. And I believe this silence is assent. I'm also sure that if there actually are any such moderates, they know they can be killed if they dare say anything really strong, so they keep their mouths shut. And that includes even those residing here is the good ol' USA.

Hurricane Wilma-Another Update

I know most people in the US, maybe most here in Florida, have already forgotten Wilma. Well, she hit South Florida on October 24th and there are still people without power in Broward County, per the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. For those who don't know geography, think of Ft. Lauderdale. There are more than one million people in Broward, yet the damage and people problems are already down the memory hole. Well, that is, as far as the MSM is concerned. There were no rumors of 10,000 dead bodies floating and poor blacks being left to die, etc. so why bother reporting. The blogs have been better, such as Florida Cracker and The Florida Masochist, in reporting personal observations, but even they haven't had a lot to say. Mostly it's been very quiet. Maybe that's what ordinary people do (those without an axe to grind or other political agenda, that is), they just get on with their lives and don't whine about it.

I say again, you guys in South Florida who wanted more MSM attention, especially those around Lake Okeechobee, should have spread the word that people were eating people, and it was all George Bush's fault.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Veteran's Day 2005

Thank you-to all those who have honorably served their nation since before there was a nation. We exist and thrive because of you.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

After Wilma-Approaching Normal (Slowly)

At least according to Florida Cracker. She's thinking about getting out of the concrete jungle. I know what she means. Mrs. Right and I bailed from Ft. Lauderdale/Miami almost 20 years ago and haven't regretted it. We also got tired of Orlando years later. And we're working on getting tired of where we are right now...in a dozen years.


Today's the 230th birthday/anniversary of the founding of the US Marines. Still the pride of America!

A young lady I work with has a husband in the Marines active reserve. He's been in Iraq since April and may be there through February next year. She has pride in his service, but she wants him back, NOW!

Our nation survives due to the services of he and his fellow Marines, but also because of the sacrifices and loneliness of Marine spouses.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Sami Al-Arian: Islamic "Mafia Don"

Mafia Don: that description by TBO.com does sort of describe Sami Al-Arian, one of many of Florida's terrorist wannabees. He's on trial for being a terrorist sponsor, but of course, he's just a mild-mannered University of South Florida (that's Tampa) college professor who's being picked on because he's a Muslim.

As the title of the LGF post "A Professor by Day and a Terrorist by Night" makes plain, our Sami is a real piece of work. He doesn't kill people, he just provides the money for those who do kill people. He's not a killer, you see, just a mobster.

Note: This is not my first post on ol' Sami. See this one from May 28th.
UPDATE (11/14/05)
Trial over, now it's up to the jury.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Out with the old (Miers), in with the new (Alito)

President Bush has ONCE AGAIN made a great pick for Supreme Court justice. Let's see, that's the THIRD time he's done that. His second pick didn't quite please every conservative, but now it looks we are all back on the same team. It's a good thing the President can put up with a lot of crap from his base.

Religion of Peace, My Ass! (A sequel)

The Paris Intifada, from LGF.

My related post is here.

Am I being unfair? Maybe.

Do I think I'm being unfair? No.

Do I care if I'm being unfair? No.

Hurricane Wilma Update

I know the American media has moved on since Wilma hit because Floridians didn't start eating the dead after 3 days. But people did suffer and many still are.

It's even worse if you lived other than on the east or west coasts of Florida. I've corresponded and read posts from people I know in Palm Beach county around Lake Okeechobee (Belle Glade and Pahokee). These people are in the center of the state near and in the Everglades. They weren't even forgotten because they were never thought of first.

They have been treated even worse than Hurricane Katrina victims who didn't live in New Orleans. Maybe if someone had started a rumor that cannibalism was in process and that it's all Bush's fault.