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Right In Florida

Motto: This is what happens when Insanity and Banality come together.

Location: North Central Florida, United States

I'm an aging boomer, white male (cue scary music); not religious, mostly conservative. Married to the same woman forever. No kids-by choice (I believe in personal choice in most areas of life). Voted mostly Republican until November 2000 when the national Democrats tried to steal the election in Florida. I promised to never again vote for another Democrat; kept that promise to date.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Presidential Message-Defense or Offense?

President Bush has finally begun "attacking his critics" (according to his critics and the MSM) or (as I prefer to think) he's: 1) explaining why he and the nation were right to change Iraq and 2) he's pointing out that his critics are self-serving weasel assholes. He has been doing this by using his critics own words against them. And he has not been alone. Even McCain has been helpful and it's not often I say that, since I'm no fan of his.

Given that most of his critics are liars, this should be easy. But it won't be since the MSM is against him and the war. But he must continue. The lies must be answered...and often.

Antimedia, as usual, has a great post on this. He senses a planned strategy. A part of his post:
It is now apparent that the administration, in coordination with other Republicans, has decided it is time to take on the "Bush lied, people died" meme. At first, I reacted as many did, saying, "It's about time."
As I've had more time to reflect on it, I wonder if this wasn't planned all along. The 2006 elections are just twelve months away. Plamegate collapsed in a heap, with nothing to show for eighteen months of investigation except unrelated charges for Libby. The Iraqi elections will take place on December 15th, leaving positive feelings about Iraq with the American public right before Christmas. By spring, the US will probably begin drawing down the troop levels in Iraq, inducing more confidence in the American public.
It looks like Bush has given the Democrats enough rope to seriously hang themselves, right before things begin to look really rosy in Iraq. By election day, the contrast will be stark. On the left, the doomsayers who falsely claim that the war in Iraq is a disaster will be backpedaling furiously, while Republicans will be basking in the success of Iraq and the beginning of the return of the troops.
The "Bush lied" meme will have been buried forever.

Very well said. It's logical and I hope he's right.

I felt compelled to comment: I was one who was wondering why it took so long for the President to respond forcefully. I know he's a better human being than the liars in opposition, but I feared he was becoming a punching bag for everyone. It's bad enough we have Dem senators lying about their previous positions, but they have had several months trying to re-write history and obviously finding people willing to believe this crap. Whatever his reasons, this must be challenged now and often.


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