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Right In Florida

Motto: This is what happens when Insanity and Banality come together.

Location: North Central Florida, United States

I'm an aging boomer, white male (cue scary music); not religious, mostly conservative. Married to the same woman forever. No kids-by choice (I believe in personal choice in most areas of life). Voted mostly Republican until November 2000 when the national Democrats tried to steal the election in Florida. I promised to never again vote for another Democrat; kept that promise to date.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

A study of contrasts

Serious as a new born puppy:
"Facing angry veterans, an uphill climb for his party in this year’s elections and a possible sanctions war with Russia, President Barack Obama is turning to a time-tested safe harbor for U.S. presidents: sports."

On the other hand, serious as heart attack:
"Russia plans to sign a contract with Iran this year to build two more nuclear reactors at its Bushehr power plant as part of a broader deal for up to eight reactors in the Islamic state, a source close to the negotiations told Reuters on Thursday."


The Hashtag Wars

I think we need a hashtag campaign. What say you Lady Obama?
Is the State Department abandoning an American toddler—Meriam Ibrahim's 20-month-old son—in a Sudanese prison? http://bit.ly/1vUiFwY

Thursday, May 22, 2014

One of these things is not like the other

Serious as a new born puppy:
"Facing angry veterans, an uphill climb for his party in this year’s elections and a possible sanctions war with Russia, President Barack Obama is turning to a time-tested safe harbor for U.S. presidents: sports." http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-05-22/obama-expands-field-for-sports-as-political-refuge.html

On the other hand, serious as heart attack:
"Russia plans to sign a contract with Iran this year to build two more nuclear reactors at its Bushehr power plant as part of a broader deal for up to eight reactors in the Islamic state, a source close to the negotiations told Reuters on Thursday."  http://news.yahoo.com/russia-may-build-eight-nuclear-reactors-iran-134635604.html

He's mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

Prez Putz acts as if he just found out about this scandal. Of course, he's a damned liar.

He's upset....he's mad as hell! (NOBODY is madder than he is...FURIOUS!)

So the Bamster has ordered a STUDY. 

Those of you paying attention know this is just the FIRST STEP to becoming a phoney scandal in a couple of months.


Sit down and shut the hell up.

Bad White People! Sit down and shut up!

"As with black race-card hustlers -- say the Revs. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or any given host on MSNB-Hee-Haw -- white race-card players label others "racist" for the crime of disagreement. As with black race-card hustlers, white race-card hustlers need not name names when accusing someone of "racism." And, as with black race-card hustlers, the mainscream media will not bother to ask the white race-card hustler to identify said racists."


"The next time a Democrat or member of media speaks darkly about these anonymous Republican "racists," ask this question: Don't Israel and Rockefeller, currently in office, have a duty to "out" these racists? Why allow known bigots to remain in government? Doesn't morality require Crist, running as a Democrat for his old job as governor of Florida, to identify and help remove these racist elected officials? Aren't these Republican "racists" -- whose IDs are being protected by their Democratic colleagues -- detrimental to the interests of the nation and serving in violation of their oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution? Doesn't this oath mean protecting and defending the rights of all constituents irrespective of race -- and exposing the "racists" who refuse to do so?

Why protect them? Why conceal their identities? Out the SOBs!"


Sit down and shut the hell up.

Bad White People! Sit down and shut up!

"As with black race-card hustlers -- say the Revs. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or any given host on MSNB-Hee-Haw -- white race-card players label others "racist" for the crime of disagreement. As with black race-card hustlers, white race-card hustlers need not name names when accusing someone of "racism." And, as with black race-card hustlers, the mainscream media will not bother to ask the white race-card hustler to identify said racists."


"The next time a Democrat or member of media speaks darkly about these anonymous Republican "racists," ask this question: Don't Israel and Rockefeller, currently in office, have a duty to "out" these racists? Why allow known bigots to remain in government? Doesn't morality require Crist, running as a Democrat for his old job as governor of Florida, to identify and help remove these racist elected officials? Aren't these Republican "racists" -- whose IDs are being protected by their Democratic colleagues -- detrimental to the interests of the nation and serving in violation of their oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution? Doesn't this oath mean protecting and defending the rights of all constituents irrespective of race -- and exposing the "racists" who refuse to do so?

Why protect them? Why conceal their identities? Out the SOBs!"


Are we scared enough yet?

If you're still susceptible to global scaremongering, maybe this will ease your mind a bit.

Trigger warning - this includes some science and scientific terminology. Not safe for idiots. You've been warned.

Same as it ever was

The Democrat pricks in the Senate continue their good work.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Gluten This...Gluten That. It never ends.

As a skeptic, I didn't believe all the hype about gluten. Seems the researcher that found "gluten bad" has done a follow up study that contradicts his initial study. Now, folks, THAT is SCIENCE. It's not settled until it can be duplicated, proven, etc. Maybe the researcher will go for a third study and perhaps break the tie.

“In contrast to our first study… we could find absolutely no specific response to gluten."
Instead, as RCS reported last week, FODMAPS are a far more likely cause of the gastrointestinal problems attributed to gluten intolerance. Jessica Biesiekierski, a gastroenterologist formerly at Monash University and now based out of the Translational Research Center for Gastrointestinal Disorders at the University of Leuven in Belgium,* and lead author of the study alongside Gibson, noted that when participants consumed the baseline low-FODMAP diet, almost all reported that their symptoms improved!
Biesiekierski recognizes that gluten may very well be the stomach irritant we've been looking for. "There is definitely something going on," she told RCS, "but true NCGS may only affect a very small number of people and may affect more extraintestinal symptoms than first thought. This will only be confirmed with an understanding of its mechanism."

Currently, Biesiekierski is focused on maintaining an open mind and refining her experimental methods to determine whether or not gluten sensitivity truly exists.

"We need to make sure that this research is as well controlled as possible and is reproducible," Biesiekierski told RCS, subsequently adding the quintessential adage of proper science.

"Much, much more research is needed."

Again, this is the scientific method. A scientist doesn't become a true believer in his/her findings until the research is conclusive. And that includes follow up and can the research be duplicated by oneself or others.

The VA Bureaucracy-A Simple Proposal

Put every one of the members in the chain of command in jail.

Then privatize the whole corrupt system.

It's easier to put criminals in jail IF they aren't part of the protected bureaucracy.

Paying for a sex change? By the VA?!?!

Paying for a sex change?

How about we put everyone in the chain of command in jail? Dammit...every last vet with a skin condition should be treated thoroughly before we spend one damned dime on a traitor.

No wonder we are laughed at in the world by our friends. Our enemies are laughing too...and planning.
