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Right In Florida

Motto: This is what happens when Insanity and Banality come together.

Location: North Central Florida, United States

I'm an aging boomer, white male (cue scary music); not religious, mostly conservative. Married to the same woman forever. No kids-by choice (I believe in personal choice in most areas of life). Voted mostly Republican until November 2000 when the national Democrats tried to steal the election in Florida. I promised to never again vote for another Democrat; kept that promise to date.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Jimmy Carter, Jew Hater

Once a Jew hater, always a Jew hater. Don't change now, Jimmuh! 

But the worst President - - who arguably may have already lost that title--has hated America for not re-electing him. He has thereafter supported every America hater throughout the world.

"Carter’s grudge against the pro-Israel community goes back to his defeat for reelection at the hands of Ronald Reagan in 1980. Carter thought he would reap the applause of supporters of the Jewish state because of his role in the Camp David Accords that brokered peace between Israel and Egypt. But Reagan gained a record percentage of the Jewish vote for a Republican due in no small measure to the contrast between his support for Israel and Carter’s open antagonism toward the Israeli government led by Menachem Begin. Once out of office, Carter has spent the years since nursing this grudge and becoming an increasingly bitter opponent of Israel and those who support it. This reached a crescendo in 2007 with the publication of his book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. The book, a compendium of vicious slurs hurled against the Jewish state, lent the imprimatur of the former president and the Carter Center for Peace to the canard that Israel was imposing apartheid on the Arabs. In Carter’s world, Israelis have always been the obstacles to peace while Palestinian terrorism and refusal to recognize the legitimacy of a Jewish state no matter where its borders are drawn is always ignored."


Remember When?

Once more...remember when, all the way back to end of 2013, when Dems were whinging about a few Repubs wanting to DELAY the Obamacare monstrosity? And remember when that couldn't happen because it was THE LAW? Yeah, a simpler time with simple people. Ah, good times.

Well, then this might be helpful to understand that gods and Dem presidents determine what a law is and means. Good to know.

Read the Complete List of Obamacare Delays
By Alec Torres
The Obama administration will announce its tenth Obamacare delay later today, this time extending the March 31 enrollment deadline for people who say they’ve been unable to enroll in health plans in the federal marketplace by the deadline. The extension applies to the federal exchange operating in three dozen states and is expected to last for two or three weeks.
Can’t remember what all the delays have been? Politico provided (http://www.politico.com/story/2014/03/obamacare-affordable-care-act-105036.html ) a helpful history of Obamacare delays from most to least recent:
March 25: Final enrollment deadline extended. The March 31 deadline — the end of enrollment for 2014 — will be loosened for people with special sign-up circumstances.
March 14: High risk pools extended. The special, temporary coverage for people with serious pre-existing conditions — which was only supposed to last until the health insurance exchanges were in place — was extended a third time for another month.
Feb. 10: Employer mandate delayed. This time, businesses with between 50 and 100 workers were given until 2016 to offer coverage, and the mandate will be phased in for employers with more than 100 workers.
Jan. 14: High risk pools extended. The high-risk insurance pools, which originally had been slated to close Jan. 1, had already been extended once.
Dec. 24: Enrollment deadline extended. In a message on HealthCare.gov, customers were told they could get help finishing their Jan. 1 applications if they were already in line on Dec. 24.
Dec 12: Enrollment deadline extended. Customers on the federal enrollment website were given nearly two more weeks to sign up for coverage effective Jan. 1.
Nov. 27: SHOP delayed. Online enrollment for the federal health insurance exchanges for small businesses was delayed.
Nov. 21: Open enrollment delayed for 2015. The administration pushed back next year’s enrollment season by a month.
July 2: Employer mandate delayed. The administration declared that it wouldn’t enforce the fines in 2014 for businesses with more than 50 full-time workers who don’t offer health coverage. The fines were pushed back to 2015.
Nov. 15, 2012: Exchange deadline delayed. The Department of Health and Human Services gave states an extra month to decide whether they would set up their own health insurance exchanges — a decision they announced just one day before the original deadline.

Pot and Conservatives

I agree with Michelle Malkin.

I've supported decriminalization of pot for decades (evil Repub that I am) as well as certain other presently illegal drugs. I'm pro-choice after all.

Colorado's present experiment will show the benefits of this support. BUT I also knew and know there would be and will be downside that were and are easily foreseen. I'm not naive nor an idiot nor a lifelong member of the Choom Gang, so I can still apply logic. So I'm sure the present controls will eventually break down, especially after a few law suits that challenge this moderate approach as too restrictive. (While at the same time I'm sure tobacco will be further banished.)

I can only hope that the benefits will outweigh the known and unknown negatives.

"Our stash included ten pre-rolled joints, a “vape pen,” and two containers of cheddar-cheese-flavored marijuana crackers (they were out of brownies). So far, just one cracker a day is yielding health benefits. Carole is eating better than she has in three months. For us, there’s no greater joy than sharing the simple pleasure of gathering in the kitchen for a meal, with Grandma Carole at the head of the table.
Do I worry about the negative costs, abuses, and cultural consequences of unbridled recreational pot use? Of course I do. But when you get past all the “Rocky Mountain High” jokes and look past all the cable-news caricatures, the legalized marijuana entrepreneurs here in my adopted home state are just like any other entrepreneurs: securing capital, paying taxes, complying with a thicket of regulations, taking risks, and providing goods and services that ordinary people want and need. Including our grateful family."


Monday, March 24, 2014

The Science Is Settled, Dammit! (v3)

Talk about screams of denial. Two views, both mentioning the American Association for the Advancement of Science.


First, from the brilliant, all knowing, scientific Warmies:

"The American Association for the Advancement of Science came as close as such a respectable institution can to screaming an alarm ( http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/mar/18/climate-change-world-risk-irreversible-changes-scientists-aaas ) last week. "As scientists, it is not our role to tell people what they should do," it said as it began one of those sentences that you know will build to a "but". "But human-caused climate risks abrupt, unpredictable and potentially irreversible changes."

In other words, the most distinguished scientists from the country with the world's pre-eminent educational institutions were trying to shake humanity out of its complacency. Why weren't their warnings leading the news?"


Read the whole thing...make up your own mind.
Second, from the troglodyte, science hating, earth destroying Deniers:
"Climate scientist Dr. Roger Pielke, Sr. recently posted ( http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/03/18/to-aaas-what-we-know-earth-hasnt-warmed-significantly-in-over-a-decade-climate-models-failed-to-predict-this/#http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/03/18/to-aaas-what-we-know-earth-hasnt-warmed-significantly-in-ove ) that the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) has ignored “the recent recognition of the heightened importance of natural climate forcings and feedbacks” and condemned AAAS media release as “an embarrassment to the scientific community.”
It is not just natural climate forcings that the AAAS ignored. As a biologist who has studied the impacts of regional climate change on wildlife in California’s Sierra Nevada for 3 decades, the AAAS’s simplistic and misleading discussion of extinctions and ecosystem collapse is simply shameful fear mongering. I agree wholeheartedly with Dr. Pielke. It is an embarrassment to the scientific community."
Read the whole thing...make up your own mind. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/03/23/the-aaass-lost-climate-integrity/ But this article and presentation does at least show there are two "sides" of the issue...and neither are scientifically "settled."

Oops, guess I've outed myself as a denier. The warmies may have their hearts in the right place, but they are devout followers of their religion. One that will only be found true in a hundred years. Never mind that they didn't call the last 20 years correctly. Gaia and Science will out.

Oh...FYI...I've become to distrust, if not despise, appeals to authority rather than a reasoned argument or statement of opinion.

The Science Is Settled, Dammit! (v2)

Talking about that Scientific Consensus the Warmies keep rambling on about. And another one of those authorities that Warmies appeal to that does not impress me. 

"It just goes to show you that sometimes, consensus in science amounts to a “whole lot of nothing” as this story from Robert Mendick in The Sunday Telegraph tells us.

Growing crops to make “green” biofuel harms the environment and drives up food prices, IPCC admits in dramatic U-turn
The United Nations will officially warn that growing crops to make “green” biofuel harms the environment and drives up food prices, The Telegraph can disclose.

A leaked draft of a UN report condemns the widespread use of biofuels made from crops as a replacement for petrol and diesel. It says that biofuels, rather than combating the effects of global warming, could make them worse.
The draft report represents a dramatic about-turn for the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)."

The Science Is Settled, Dammit!

Two more articles that may put the "settled science" more in perspective.

Those damned Eskimos and their SUVs!

"This is interesting, somehow the Earth managed to reduce a good portion of the Arctic Ice Cap during the Holocene Climate Optimum from approximately 10,000-6,000 years ago without the help of the industrial revolution, fossil fuels, or automobile emissions."


Ice, Ice Everywhere, But None in My Vodka!

"A peer-reviewed paper published in the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences finds that Arctic sea ice extent at the end of the 20th century was more extensive than most of the past 9000 years. The paper also finds that Arctic sea ice extent was on a declining trend over the past 9000 years, but recovered beginning sometime over the past 1000 years and has been relatively stable and extensive since."

"Although it seems like a day doesn’t go by without an alarmist headline or blog posting obsessing over the daily Arctic sea ice statistics (and never about Antarctic sea ice extent which reached a record high this year), this paleo-climate perspective takes all the wind out of alarmist sails. Satellite assessment of sea ice conditions is only available beginning in 1979 (around the time the global cooling scare ended), with only sparse data available prior to 1979. The alarmists at the NRDC fraudulently claim (http://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2010/09/blatant-climate-fraud-in-nrdc-video.html ) in a new video that due to “climate destruction ( http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.com/2010/09/new-hoax-moniker-global-climate.html ),” Arctic sea ice reached the lowest in history in 2010 (actually the low since 1979 was in 2007 and 2010 was the 3rd or 4th lowest depending on the source). Probably wouldn’t bring in many donations if they mentioned the truth: the 21st century has some of the highest annual Arctic sea ice extents over the past 9000 years."

Friday, March 21, 2014

It's Climate Change, Bitches!

The Clintons and other Democrat Politicians...when the shit hits the fan in the real world, they babble on about Climate Change. 

Something else they can't do a damned thing about.


Thursday, March 20, 2014

File these under "No Shit Sherlock!"

(1) Oh, no...the Bamster was wrong! Who could possibly have foreseen?!

"Health industry officials say ObamaCare-related premiums will double in some parts of the country, countering claims recently made by the administration."

(2) Yeah, well now The Bamster is more flexible than Gumby.

"It was a shocking disclosure just two years ago. In Seoul, South Korea, President Barack Obama’s voice was picked up on a hot mic as he told Russia’s Dmitri Medvedev: "Tell Vladimir [Putin] I can be more flexible after the election."

(3) Obama turns his back on the world? Are you kidding me?! He's already turned his back on America...its greatness anyway.

"Obama is still stuck in the belief that Putin is either crazy, or secretly looking for a way to save face and end the confrontation. He hasn’t accepted Putin for what he is because to do so would mean acknowledging that Obama’s whole approach to international relations has been a mistake."

(4) Gee, what's the rush Repubs? Where's the fire? If this had been Prez Bush's actions, the Dems would have started impeachment proceedings 3 years ago.

"After five years of his flouting the letter and spirit of the law in an increasingly brazen fashion, congressional Republicans have been starting to ramp up their rhetoric about Obama's lawlessness, their most concerted effort on the issue to date."


The Devil claims his own.

The Devil claims his own.

"Fred Phelps, the recently-excommunicated founder of the much-loathed Westboro Baptist Church, died Thursday ( http://ksn.com/2014/03/20/founder-of-westboro-baptist-church-rev-fred-phelps-sr-dies/ ) at the age of 84."


Ol' Nick must be waiting impatiently for George Soros.  But I'm only guessing.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

But You Knew This Already

But you probably knew the following was true...when you considered the source. It was impossible for such a decline to occur in such a short period of time and that Queen Michele's activities had anything to do with it. But the believers will believe. Kinda quaint actually.

NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE ( http://www.nationalreview.com/ )
March 18, 2014 4:56 PM
That Big Childhood Obesity Decline May Have Been a Statistical Error
By Alec Torres

In late February, a report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced (http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/372041/does-obesity-report-prove-lets-move-campaign-works-alec-torres) that obesity rates among children aged 2 to 5 had declined by 40 to 43 percent in the past eight years, a dramatic and encouraging finding. But researchers are now saying that the good news may have been (http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/16/us-usa-health-obesity-insight-idUSBREA2F0CX20140316) a statistical mistake.

Experts believe the finding may have been in error because other studies have found no such decline in obesity rates within that age group.

Michelle Obama had touted the study as proof that her efforts against childhood obesity are working, and others have credited the reported decline to everything from public-health information campaigns to an increase in breast feeding.

The CDC’s study relied on a set of government-collected data that’s considered highly reliable, but wasn't ideal for this comparison: The study looked at over 9,000 Americans, but just 871 were between 2 and 5, and just a small proportion of them are obese. The margin of error, in fact, was wide enough that it’s statistically possible there was no decrease at all.

File These Under...

File these under "No Shit, Sherlock!"

++ Oh, no...the Bamster was wrong! Who could possibly have foreseen?!

"Health industry officials say ObamaCare-related premiums will double in some parts of the country, countering claims recently made by the administration."

++ Yeah, well now The Bamster is more flexible than Gumby.

"It was a shocking disclosure just two years ago. In Seoul, South Korea, President Barack Obama’s voice was picked up on a hot mic as he told Russia’s Dmitri Medvedev: "Tell Vladimir [Putin] I can be more flexible after the election."

++ Obama turns his back on the world? Are you kidding me?! He's already turned his back on America...its greatness anyway.

"Obama is still stuck in the belief that Putin is either crazy, or secretly looking for a way to save face and end the confrontation. He hasn’t accepted Putin for what he is because to do so would mean acknowledging that Obama’s whole approach to international relations has been a mistake."


++ Gee, what's the rush Repubs? Where's the fire? If this had been Prez Bush's actions, the Dems would have started impeachment proceedings 3 years ago.

"After five years of his flouting the letter and spirit of the law in an increasingly brazen fashion, congressional Republicans have been starting to ramp up their rhetoric about Obama's lawlessness, their most concerted effort on the issue to date."


Media Caught in the Obama Trap

I once thought the MSM were Dem lapdogs...and still do.

They have been leg humping Dems in general and Clintons and Obamas in particular for years. But they are finding out what happens to a lapdog. They are not respected and can get kicked around a lot.

"First Lady Michelle Obama will be accompanied by her children and her mother on her trip to China, which begins today. But she won't be accompanied by the press. "Michelle Obama’s trip to China starting on Wednesday will be nonpolitical, the White House says, a 'people-to-people exchange' emphasizing the importance that both nations place on education. As if to underscore the point, no reporters are traveling with the first lady, and she does not plan to give interviews while there," reports the New York Times.


And I say that to say this:

The "major" media have been caught up in the Obama Trap. It goes like this: you start out as a lap dog and get yummy treats and lovely tummy rubs; but when you "progress" to being a leg humper, then the objects of your desire lose all respect for and consideration of you; you quickly become a, umm...wussy and you know ...umm...wussies get no respect; and if you don't fight back then, you become their bitch.

And once you're their bitch, you get abused and thrown away on a whim.

And now Obama is finding out his Trap works against him.

He's now Putin's bitch.