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Right In Florida

Motto: This is what happens when Insanity and Banality come together.

Location: North Central Florida, United States

I'm an aging boomer, white male (cue scary music); not religious, mostly conservative. Married to the same woman forever. No kids-by choice (I believe in personal choice in most areas of life). Voted mostly Republican until November 2000 when the national Democrats tried to steal the election in Florida. I promised to never again vote for another Democrat; kept that promise to date.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

And Now, For Some America-Lovers

Rally to Honor Military Families is going on today.

Saturday was the day for America-haters. Sunday is the day for America-lovers. C-Span is showing true Americans who support the troops, support the wars for liberation, support (mostly, I'm sure) President Bush. They are a much better looking lot, with no nutcases in evidence. They are not spewing hatred and loathing for our nation and our men/women in service to our nation. Now, I wonder how the MSM will cover these Americans? And will they go to great pains to get an accurate number in attendance? (Yes, these are rhetorical questions.)

A Support the Terrorists Event in DC

Thanks to a link from Tim Blair, I've viewed the linked post from Sweetness & Light on the anti-war, anti-America "Support the Terrorists" event in DC on Saturday. Nutcase Cindy was there, along with every brand and stripe of Bush-haters. A couple of black congress"persons" (of course, the usual suspects) were also there. Like I said, every group that hates America was there.

The bad news-it's the same old gang of haters. The good news-it's the same old gang of haters, but their numbers are diminished. Except of course if you listen only to the MSM, which report the number of 100,000.

Gay Patriot has great thoughts on this "rally" and any comparisons to the Vietnam War. He has doubts about the MSM reporting of 100,000.

Motto: "Don't Get Stuck On Stupid"

A motto for everyone. Particularly the MSM and Democrats, but they just don't get it. Thanks, Gen. Honore!

Citizen Smash is making these few words his new motto. And of course, he gets it.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Hurricane Rita (and Ophelia)

Two hurricanes that affected Florida since Katrina were Ophelia (about 2 weeks ago) and Rita (kicked the keys around a couple of days ago. Ophelia was just an offshore nuisance and rain event for central and north Florida, which I found out first hand when I had to conduct some business in Volusia County. It made for dreary and dangerous driving, but that's about it.

Well, Ophelia went on to scare the Carolinas and points north.

And Rita scared the Florida Keys, especially Key West, but wasn't too dangerous. Now Rita has already caused significant damage to Texas and Louisiana (again!) and the eye hasn't yet made the coast.

Hang on friends in both states. This will be bad.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Conservatives Are Becoming a Whiny Bunch...and Sounding Like Losers

I've noticed and grown completely tired of the whining of my fellow conservatives when it comes to most things President has recently done or hasn't done. Too many of my favorite bloggers and conservative commentators have been, individually and as a group, participating in a whine-fest since Hurricane Katrina. We don't need liberals, leftists or Democrats (yeah, I'm being redundant); we are our own enemies. Yes, I know "we" say we're being fair and that therefore we're better than liberals, et al, because we criticize our own. But I don't think "we" are being fair. We are far along on the road to becoming losers.

Christ, suck it up guys! There's a vital struggle for America's future going on.

This is not a classroom debate or parlor game. While you're second-guessing the decisions and parsing every statement and examining the minutiae, how about doing it in an evenhanded and supportive way? That would still make us so much better...and more honest...than liberals.

The above complaint does not include Hugh Hewitt. He is spot on regarding the President's speech to the nation on 9/15. He points out the positives, which really are the main points. He doesn't piss and moan about subtext.

Muslims Against Freedom of Speech...For Others

A Florida student made some Muslims pee in their panties-using words, not actions. "A UNC-Chapel Hill student has been fired from the school newspaper, at the demand of the radical Islamic front group known as the Muslim Students Association: Daily Tar Heel Columnist Fired. (Hat tip: Daniel.)" according to this post from LGF.

An American citizen was giving her opinion, and these poor put-upon Muslims couldn't take it. Geez...what a pathetic group. But I'm sure this same group of Muslim students are on the front line blasting terrorist acts by their fellow co-religionists. Yeah, right.

And yes, I'm pissed at the fact that Muslims can say or write anything offensive about America, Americans, Jews, Israelis, etc. and defend Islamic terrorists, but that is of course protected speech. And no, I don't want to be understanding. And no, I am in no mood to be fair.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

9-11 - Fourth Anniversary

I just read the above post on the GOP Vixen website.

It's been four years since the Islamist scum attacked us...again. We had been attacked before, but this time it was on our turf. Before, Clinton couldn't stop using the White House has a dating resume' enhancer, so too little was done to prevent this. Fortunately for US, we had 'W' in the White House and Rudy in NY. Blessings on them both!

The Vixen's post includes the above image from the San Francisco Examiner. Enough said.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Florida Fights Back Against Islam PC

Per above link from LGF, the Florida 5th Circuit Court of Appeal affirmed that a purported Muslim woman, Sultaana Freeman (formerly Sandra Keller), cannot wear a veil in a drivers license photo.

This was the result of a very stupid person at the Florida DMV who issued a drivers license to this woman (a 1997 convert to Islam who got into in trouble with the law in 1999 for battering a foster child) and allowed her to take a picture with the veil. This was in 2002 after the 9-11 Islamist terror strike on the U. S.!! (Yes, we have boobs and incompetents working in the DMV, just as in other states.)

What more would terrorists love than to hide behind veils in the name of their religion. Let's face it, this was a stupid legal case because Islam doesn't require a woman's face to be covered in all circumstances. I mean, many of the Islamic religious sects are still in the dark ages, but covered photos are not in the Koran and many Muslim nations require such IDs.

See the Smoking Gun website for background and pictures of this woman. See also archived 2002 Orlando Channel 6 website article that gives more background. Such as, "Freeman, a former evangelist preacher, converted to Islam about five years ago."

This situation should never have arose, but you can expect such idiotic actions from the Florida DMV. What was somewhat surprising was that the appeals court affirmed a lower circuit court judge's opinion that this woman must have a true photo on her drivers license. Here in Florida, where so many judges were Democrat party hacks, such legal common sense qualifies as legal brilliance.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

And America Responds (Floridians)

Our state of Florida has also responded. Although we were hit with 2 hurricanes this year and 4 last year, Gov. Jeb Bush has offered and provided assistance to Alabama and Mississippi. (Texas has taken responsibility for Louisiana and New Orleans since that state seems unable to provide leadership.)

I also want to tout two local governments in my neck of the woods here in the North Central part of Florida. Marion County and the City of Ocala have provided first responders in the form of fire, rescue and paramedics. These are small governments, but were among the first to provide assistance to Florida counties concerning Charley and Ivan last year. The day of the hurricane, strike teams were called up and sent to Mississippi and other teams are on stand by right now. This causes problems and distress within the families of these responders, of course, but they know it's the right thing to do. As I've said before, the American people are (mostly) terrific and will put themselves in harm's way to help others.

See also Florida Cracker for what's gone on in South Florida with Katrina, as well has other Florida first responders to Mississippi. She also has many very good posts on New Orleans and elsewhere, and particularly animal rescues.

And America Responds (Texans)

In the previous post I mention how the American people respond to a catastrophe. That includes the scum among us. But I also mention the normal Americans. They give of their money and property every time. But the governments are also important in how they plan and respond, which sometimes doesn't get enough attention.

For example, the Texas state government has stepped up big time with people, money and property...and working infrastructure (much thanks for Gov. Perry and former Gov. 'W' and a bi-partisan legislature). Texas is where many of the displaced victims in La. will be housed and fed. Texas will also school the children. This will be a significant drain on local and state resources, but I have some Texans in my extended family and I can attest to their friendliness and willingness to help. All I can say right now is that the Texans should be prepared to be spat upon shortly when the accommodations are not up to Hilton Hotel standards. and the whiners begin complaining. That's what happens too often, you help some one and they resent you for your ability to help. Maybe it's human nature, but I think it's just a subset of humans who can not be thankful even when in need.

That's why the open handed Texans need to be ready for the following two truisms:
1) Beggers can be choosers
2) If you do a good deed, prepare to be despised

See Michelle Malkin for more Texas efforts.

After the Catastrophe of Katrina

The nation's best wishes and open pocketbooks go out to the victims of Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath.

The nation's pride and gratitude goes out to those brave first responders who risk life and health to help the victims and restore order.

The nation's-and also the world's-scorn goes out to the savages of New Orleans. Within 24 hours of Katrina's landfall, the scum began taking over.

The nation's disgust should go out to the local and state officials of Louisiana who were unprepared before and after the storm for the most likely event...flooding and looting. New Orleans has long been known as a corrupt and lawless city-by its politicians and gangsters.

The nation's contempt must go out to the New Orleans mayor, whose ineptness and confusion continues to fuel the catastrophe. His response? To rail against those in state government, but mostly those in Washington.

Remember, folks, our homeland defense, including FEMA, relies on a chain of command. That's local governments first, then state, then federal. Of course, the feds coordinate, but the structure realizes that communication will be difficult, so local and state are the first responders. Well, the city and state failed big time in New Orleans because neither were up to it. So naturally the blame is against the feds.

Well, we in Florida know better. We've had 6 hurricanes hit us in 13 months. Our local and state (thanks to Jeb Bush) were more than equal to the task. FEMA was only needed to pay up after the clean up. And apparently Mississippi and Alabama were both up to the task this time. Hmmm, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi have Republican governors who are competent. Louisiana is a nest of Democrats. What possibly could this mean?

One thing we once again learn is that the American people are brave, will almost always be stoic and try to help themselves and will risk their lives to save others. And the people can be counted on to open their wallets and give, which will always be significant even in relation to what the governments will spend. But we sadly again learn that a strata of America are whiners and takers, ill prepared and refuse to take responsibility for their own safety and welfare. And that there is a sub-strata who prey on weaknesses in people and systems. Thankfully, they are few, but right now they are both very vocal (the whiners) and very visible (the gangster scum). The majority of the brave and stoic are there, but they don't get the screen time since they go about picking up their lives or saving the lives of the whiny and scummy.

See antimedia's comments at Media Lies. He writes about the chaos in New Orleans:

"I heard one announcer (it doesn't really matter which — they're like clones spewing lines) say of the government, "They had a week to prepare before the hurricane hit. How could they be so unprepared to respond?"
I thought the same thing myself. Why didn't people stockpile bottled water? Why didn't they get together the canned goods and other things that don't spoil in the heat and can sustain you for days? Why didn't they evacuate when they were told to? Why didn't they prepare? Why did they just wait, helplessly, without any
preparation at all, for the government to save them?

But the answer to my question has been staring me in the face for days. "The people" have been conditioned to depend upon the government to take care of them. Taking care of themselves never even crossed their minds."

Spot on, antimedia!

See GayPatriot for more great comments. One particular example:

"Further, as I reported before, it was President Bush… not Blanco or Nagin… who had to demand the evacuation of New Orleans on Sunday.
I’m sure that the President and FEMA assumed that New Orleans and state officials would follow their own evacuation plans, especially since they refused Federal help on Sunday. And that they would use the buses to save lives that are normally used to make sure Democrats get to the polls on time every four years.
Blanco and Nagin should be impeached."

It's such good writing by antimedia and Gay Patriot that make me question why I started this blog.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Blogger's Comment Spam Feature

I've gotten a few comments that were spam. Well, Blogger has a feature to deal with this, which I just turned on. Interesting feature.