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Right In Florida

Motto: This is what happens when Insanity and Banality come together.

Location: North Central Florida, United States

I'm an aging boomer, white male (cue scary music); not religious, mostly conservative. Married to the same woman forever. No kids-by choice (I believe in personal choice in most areas of life). Voted mostly Republican until November 2000 when the national Democrats tried to steal the election in Florida. I promised to never again vote for another Democrat; kept that promise to date.

Monday, September 22, 2014

I once called myself a liberal and I was a good member of the party...until I got kicked out. (parts 5 - 7)

I once called myself a liberal and I was a good member of the party...until I got kicked out. (part 5)

I was extremely pro-choice, but which I mean I insisted that a woman could abort her baby whenever she felt like it. An inalienable right, one could say. Oh, and that a loving, supportive State should pay for it.

But then I became radicalized on the matter and proffered that The State/We The People even had an interest to ensure abortions. I was almost Red Chinese on this issue in that any woman on public assistance should be forcibly and strongly counseled on aborting her baby. And I was even open to the idea of forced abortions if The State was going to be responsible for taking care of the “child” after being born.

Not my best hour, I agree. Also this is when I became aware that the Left was always the Totalitarian Party. All must submit to The State.

This really confused some of my fellow travelers. Abortion was good...but was I a hater of the downtrodden and protected classes? Yet still I was a believer in unrestricted abortion and so remained a member of the party...thus far.

I once called myself a liberal and I was a good member of the party...until I got kicked out. (part 6)

Regarding homosexuality, I was then in very good stead. I was against any recriminations of the gay lifestyle. Whether due to nature or nurture or a Fun Saturday Night, this didn't matter to me; gays were my fellows in this world and had the same rights.

I did draw the line at gay marriage because I knew that marriage historically had been between men and women so what right-thinking person would want to mess with that issue when there was a much better way to go. THAT was “civil union” or at worst having gays establish “civil partnerships” with all rights and duties legally identified. Add a durable power of attorney and the gay couple could represent each other within the law. Hell, I even thought that was a great way to go for most hetero couples in lieu of marriage.

And I was regarded as a caring Liberal, an intellectual Liberal! But of course that was over 20 years ago. Now that position makes me a Gay Bashing Hater. But back then, I was still welcome to play on the Liberal playground. My how times can change, and quickly.

I once called myself a liberal and I was a good member of the party...until I got kicked out. (part 7)
But I then went a bridge too far.
I was pro-choice, no doubt about that. BUT I began to question the faith of “indiscriminate abortion at any time and any place and how the hell dare you to say otherwise.”
You see, I do believe in Science, including Medical Science.
When I allowed myself to think logically about abortion, I ran into a intellectual problem.

At a certain stage, the fetus is not simply a clump of cells, equal to the same matter as something that you spat out as part of the process of clearing your throat. One clump can have a heart beat, that inconsequential clump can feel discomfort, that annoying clump can look like a human. Then I made myself look at pictures of aborted fetuses and you know what?; some of them looked like little babies. So I questioned: when does a clump become a fetus and when does a clump become a baby?

You see, I was starting to question the only true religion of the Party...a Woman's Right To Choose.

And I was losing the faith. But not yet lost.


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