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Right In Florida

Motto: This is what happens when Insanity and Banality come together.

Location: North Central Florida, United States

I'm an aging boomer, white male (cue scary music); not religious, mostly conservative. Married to the same woman forever. No kids-by choice (I believe in personal choice in most areas of life). Voted mostly Republican until November 2000 when the national Democrats tried to steal the election in Florida. I promised to never again vote for another Democrat; kept that promise to date.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

When my opinion changed

About abortion that is...well, actually about partial birth abortion.  As I noted in this previous post  "Now I'm pro-choice and used to be virulently pro-abortion, but have moderated over the years."

My real moderation has been about partial birth abortion.  I'm still pro-choice but I used to believe it was okay to kill a fetus anytime if it's your body/your choice. Hell, it was easier than actually having to think about the issue. But I must admit I always knew that killing a kid as it was being born was wrong.  Just wouldn't admit it.

That changed with the following picture because I could no longer ignore that there was a viable child in the womb...not just a mass of undifferentiated cells.

Now I know there have been questions about what this 1999 surgery picture is supposed to mean (see Snopes) but that was never the point for me. Yes, it would have been a more exceptional tear jerker if the fetus had grabbed the surgeon's hand but I'm willing to accept it was only a reflex.

But the point for me was: this 21 week old fetus appeared to be a fully formed baby-in-waiting....no longer a clump of cells.

That did it for me-no more evasions. I could no longer escape the knowledge that partial birth abortion was infanticide.

Hey, I was still pro-choice....but I was against murder.  Still am.


Anonymous Prolifeisneither said...

forcing a woman to give birth is not the answer, nor is making it illegal.

If you are wealthy, you will simply go to where it is legal. If you are poor, you will use a coathanger.

Worse case, after birth the child is abused and neglected...because pro-lifers don't give a damn about kids.

Why don't you pro-lifers collectively try to adopt or support single mothers so they can actually raise their children? Why don't you pro-family values crowd offer daycare, which costs as much as a mortgage payment? In other words, why don't you actually HELP a woman so she can have a baby and raise it?

Because its not about that, is it? You want the woman to suffer, but it is the child that comes from a forced birth that suffers.

6/21/2010 10:48 PM  
Blogger RightinFlorida said...

Why thank you, whoever you are. Lovely comments. Obviously a cool headed thinker.

However, asshole, if you would read the post you would see I call myself pro-choice, just against infanticide.

Surely you can see that.

But geez, coat hangers? When the hell has that ever happened in the past 20 years. Ummm, there's actually been a new century/millennium begun since you last had a cogent thought.

But thanks for stopping by. Always fun to have an intelligent visitor.

6/22/2010 7:57 PM  
Anonymous Joeykid13 said...

Well I just had my lunch and that picture made me nauseous. Abortion is murder period (.) If we hadn't murdered 50 Million Americans since Roe v. Wade Social Security and Medicare wouldn't be insolvent (yet). With the Defense Department recently declaring "obesity" a national security issue, I find it hard to believe that you can get "fat" before you can get "born". Abortion is a national security issue.

10/06/2010 1:07 PM  

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