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Right In Florida

Motto: This is what happens when Insanity and Banality come together.

Location: North Central Florida, United States

I'm an aging boomer, white male (cue scary music); not religious, mostly conservative. Married to the same woman forever. No kids-by choice (I believe in personal choice in most areas of life). Voted mostly Republican until November 2000 when the national Democrats tried to steal the election in Florida. I promised to never again vote for another Democrat; kept that promise to date.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

About National Democrats and Traitors (but I digress)

Ann Coulter had another great column (above linked post from FrontPageMag.com) on 11/25. It was titled "New Idea for the Antiwar Party: Aid the Enemy" and of course it was about Democrats.

Even though I thought the Viet Nam was not being fought the way it should have been (and, no, I didn't volunteer to serve and, yes, I held onto my student deferment and my high lottery number), I always supported America and our troops (many of which were my cousins). I thought North Viet Nam should have been destroyed and South Viet Nam should be aided to destroy the Viet Cong. I never had any doubts about that.

I also never had any doubts about how many of the Viet Nam war protestors really wanted America to lose. I thought most of them were traitors. Many of the these were Democrats and many of them are now in congress. And all of them are still traitors.

Some Coulter excerpts:
Antiwar protests in the United States during the Vietnam War were a major source of moral support to the enemy. We know that not only from plain common sense, but from the statements of former North Vietnamese military leaders who evidently didn't get the memo telling them not to say so. In an Aug. 3, 1995, interview in the Wall Street Journal, Bui Tin, a former colonel in the North Vietnamese army, called the American peace movement "essential" to the North Vietnamese victory. "Every day our leadership would listen to world news over the radio at 9 a.m. to follow the growth of the American antiwar movement," he said. "Visits to Hanoi by people like Jane Fonda and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and ministers gave us confidence that we should hold on in the face of battlefield reverses."

These same type of America haters are now trying to destroy American morale and willpower and staying power in Iraq. Some of them are still well known: Kerry, Kennedy, Fonda, Clark. All are Democrats or strong Democrat supporters. All are traitors.

Concluding Coulter Excerpts: (my emphasis)
The Democrats are giving aid and comfort to the enemy for no purpose other than giving aid and comfort to the enemy. There is no plausible explanation for the Democrats' behavior other than that they long to see U.S. troops shot, humiliated, and driven from the field of battle. They fill the airwaves with treason, but when called to vote on withdrawing troops, disavow their own public statements. These people are not only traitors, they are gutless traitors.


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